Esprit de She Duathlon

On Sunday I had the decision to make on whether at two days post surgery the better option was a long run (which I knew I would push) or a sprint duathlon (which I knew I could at least take the bike portion easy), I chose the duathlon and knew I would take it easy and have fun with it. (I should say I was cleared by my doc, I am not being stupid. She told me normal activity on Saturday but then rephrased it to “other’s normal activity” and resume workouts on Sunday!). 

I was excited to check out another Esprit de She event and finally do a duathlon this summer. It did mean getting up early both days this past weekend since we went to cheer Matt on at his triathlon Saturday, but O was a trooper and loved cheering. She got to finish daddy’s race with him and was all smiles!

Luckily Matt is an expert at packing for multi-sport races and before I knew it all my bike gear was in the car and ready to go. I grabbed the rest and we were off on the long drive. I checked in, grabbed my chip and was asked if I was racing elite, uh no! The first lesson of the day was always look at bike in/bike out before picking transition spot. I naturally assumed that like most other races it was bike in one end and bike out other, wrong! It was the same end of both and guess where I was; the furthest spot from the exit! Anyone who has tried to run in bike shoes knows it sucks and loses a lot of time. Next time look first!

I met up with a few friends, one who was doing her first duathlon, and headed to the start. As we were told to line up by age, once again we made the assumption that they would separate waves, but again wrong! All were started at once but thanks to my birthday in a couple weeks I was behind 4 other age groups (not fun since the 35-39 age group happened to be one of the fastest!). We were off and I spent much of Run 1 weaving to pass the runners in front of me. It was a 2 mile run out and back on a narrow path. I hit the turn around and fought the urge to push harder not knowing what may happen to my insides from being messed with on Friday! I see transition and glance at the clock Run 1: 14:06

Run 1
Transitions are my weakness his was no exception considering the distance I needed to cover to exit. I changed shoes, grabbed my helmet and wove my way through the narrow transition trying to avoid people sitting in the middle of the path, ugh!

I think over the summer I have been outside biking less than 10 times and wow did I feel this! The course was hilly and my quads were feeling it. Now was my turn to be passed by everyone who I had passed! The bike was an 11 mile course on rolling hills. Somehow my right calf decided to cramp up on the bike, what? I was actually keeping good pace but wow was I happy to see the turn to transition Bike: 41:10 16.03 mph
See the lone bike in front? Yep, my poor choice of transition spot since bike in/bike out was at the far end!
Another long walk to my end spot in transition, changed shoes, got rid of LS shirt and grabbed my hat and was off. Again my strength so on a mission to pass other runners J I always dread the first mile or so when you barely feel like you are moving, but love looking down and realizing it is much faster than it feels! Hit the turn around and decide to push a little more, my insides all feel like they are staying put so why not! Turn the final corner and there is the finish. Run 2: 14:36
Really I did bike, just no proof!

1:11:54 2 mile run/11 mile bike/ 2 mile run

 I wait for my friends to finish and head to the after party; mimosas and lots of fresh fruit, yum! Luckily I brought myself a granola bar figuring the lack of GF food so I actually had something to eat. We sat outside enjoying the weather and letting the kids run around and play. I love duathlons but always remember how much I need to work on biking. And after the race I want a new bike! I’m jealous of Matt’s P3 J


  1. Great job Jen! Especially two days after surgery! You amaze me! And I love that picture of Matt and O! She looks so precious looking down at his medal!

    1. Thanks, she was thrilled. Kept saying "I'm going to run fast with daddy!"

  2. Loved your recap! I am doing this race when it comes to Dallas (it's actually in Mckinney, the city where I live!). A little inside from what it's really like!

  3. Top Stuff Jen, You should be proud of yourself, esp after just having surgery.
    Do you think being fit and healthy has helped with recovery time?

    1. I'm sure it did, my years in health care it seems so true that healthier, active people recover faster and have the desire to push through.

  4. Awesome job, Jen! I really want to do a duathlon sometime soon. How strange that they started you by age, rather than by paces!

    1. It was strange and annoying, they got a lot of complaints, older doesn't mean slower! You should do one!

  5. Nice job Jen! A duathlon, another event on my bucket list :)

    1. I love the combo, biking is not my strength but I enjoy it and it is fun to push myself a little.

  6. Great job, impressive you did that right after surgery!!! Love the bling:)

    1. Thanks, the middle is a charm too, kind of a fun medal :)


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