Marathon Weekly: Back on the plan

Eleanor Roosevelt: the ultimate runner's inspiration. Who knew?

Week 7 was my high start and forced rest almost halfway through marathon training, yikes! While my true speedwork has been limited the shorter races have helped me make sure it is happening. The two days of forced rest did me good and already here at 3 days post-surgery and I feel so much better than I did before. I’m happy I decided to put an end to over a year of symptoms and pain rather than putting it off more.

Monday: Evening run with friends- 10.1 mile on hilly course 1:22:37 (8:11 pace)!
Tuesday: Strength with trainer and 2 mile run. Evening 7 mile run coaching
Wednesday: 4 mile morning run (failed intervals so easy run) and afternoon 3.5 mile run to playground/store and core work
Thursday: Morning strength run to/from gym 3 miles and evening 10.5 mile run 1:24:38 (8:04 pace).
Friday: Forced rest due surgery this day
Saturday: Walking at Matt’s triathlon, but forced no “real” workout, probably walked a total of 4 miles at tri and to/from store later.
Sunday: Last minute duathlon (2 mile run/11 mile bike/2 mile run) more tomorrow J 4 mile walk to/from store
Can running views get much better?
Sunset running!
Week 8 means that I should be increasing intensity and miles, now to continue to do this smart. Hoping to get in more speed intervals and say goodbye to the hamstring issue for good. I have felt decent except a few twinges on hills. Although as I write this I am feeling more, time to hit the roller! Talking to my doc today to get input as well. I want to get in another day of biking after the duathlon reminded me it has been lacking!

Monday: Skipped morning workout, after 2 days of 4am wake ups I needed to sleep in. Core work later and evening run with friends
Tuesday: Spin in am and Strength with trainer. Evening run coaching
Wednesday: Early run (attempting intervals again) and yoga with O.
Thursday: Morning strength and evening run with friends
Friday: Spin and run to/from gym
Saturday: 16-18 mile run and thinking family bike
Sunday: Possible 5K and strength

How was your week? What’s ahead? Do you use races for speedwork? 

Coffee & macarons

Don't forget to join Jill and I for the Birthday Virtual Race in August


  1. Sounds like an awesome week of workouts Jen! Glad your surgery went well! And a duathlon two days after it? You are amazing!!!

    1. Thanks Mindy :) I was cleared for "normal" activity on Saturday but was pretty sure that didn't mean my normal so decided a du was better than pushing a long run.

  2. Wow you really rocked your workouts Jen! Very impressive:)

  3. Wow! Nice work on those two 10 milers!

    1. I love that distance for midweek runs and it helps when friends are with :)

  4. LOVE this quote and so needed to read it today!

  5. Yes I have used (shorter) races as speedwork.
    Great sunset, I haven't done a sunset run in a very long time.
    My week so far has been all over the place. Yesterday was suppose to be my long run, but my son was sick, so I did today's weight workout instead.
    Today I was going to go for a run, but because it's my son's 1st transition day to big school, I wanted to be close by, so I did Thursday's speedwork instead.

    1. Having kids really means flexibility in training :)

  6. Great job on your training week! I'm in week 1 out of 14 for my triple half marathons this fall. It sounded like a great idea when I registered this past winter! Regardless, I have 4 check marks next to my first 4 days on the training plan. Off to a good start!


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