Minnie 10K...2 down and 2 to go

Hot and humid out there today, yikes! Not much to say except an easy 50:30 10K and hoping legs stay loose. So here's some fun pictures...

Off to find coffee then spend the day in Magic Kingdom.


  1. Awesome! Here's my problem with social media - it's making me want to go Dopey when I have no business doing that! I might do my own - everything BUT the marathon! Should we call it the Lazy? Congrats on your Minnie finish!

    1. I love it, I may be thinking the lazy sounds good come Sunday!!

  2. Congrats! I'll be up for 3/4 of this challenge next month!

  3. Great job! Good luck on the next 2:)

  4. So cute! Can't wait to hear about the next two!

  5. Wow!! Great job - just 2 to go!!


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