Friday fun and outdoor runs!

1) This weather is making me so much happier! 40s and sunny and the snow is melting rapidly, yay! I have not needed to run on the treadmill in over a week and am loving it, slushy ankle deep puddles and all.
2) My foot is better, I can still get some pain if I dig at it but it is all soft tissue pain. I had someone unofficially look at it and they agree it is likely the fat pad and we’re guessing it was just the sudden increase in outdoor miles and in a different pair of shoes. Oh the joys of being a runner, it can all drive you to think the worst!
3) Boston bib #s and wave/corral placements are out! 37 days and counting, wow! I think with this nasty winter it still seems so far away. Continuing with my pattern I’m in Wave 2 with a 10:25am start. Anyone joining me?
4) Look what I decided to do…
Yes, the woman who needs more on her plate is now selling Thirty-One! I love my purse (and tote and wallet) that got me through a trip to Disney packed with all the essential: food, water, phone, camera. So why not?! So far I’m loving it and hoping my success continues. Need anything let me know.
5) I think I have forgotten how to dress in warmer weather! The past 3 runs I have been overdressed and ready to shed layers as soon as I started. This winter and too much indoor running or outside in below 0 messed me up! I wore pants yesterday in 40s and roasted! Why is this so difficult to remember? 

Happy Friday! Any big weekend plans?


  1. So glad you are getting to run outside...and that the foot is getting better! Congrats on selling Thirty-One! I LOVE their stuff! Have a great weekend!!!

  2. Yay for running outside and your foot getting better! I had the same problems dressing when it started getting warmer here. It took me a couple of runs to remember what to wear!

  3. Hi Jen! The last 2 times I actually got to run outside I overdressed too. Kind of funny :) I'm running my first race of the year this morning. Only 13 more to go!

    So excited for you to run Boston!


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