Spring Fling Virtual

The official start of Spring is almost here...What better way to kick off the first day of spring than a virtual race!

I’m tired of cold weather, snow, ice and being stuck inside. Sound familiar? How about a little motivation and a reason to celebrate?  This winter has been rough on many of us and it is time to celebrate better weather!

Put on your running shoes and head outdoors for the Spring Fling Virtual Race!

WHO: Anyone who wants to celebrate saying good bye winter and HELLO SPRING! You do not have to be a 14 in 2014 participant to join and be eligible for prizes.
WHAT:  A virtual race is running a specified distance (you choose the distance.), timing yourself if you want, without actually being present in the race location.
WHEN:  You pick the day from March 20 – March 27.
WHERE:  The only requirement is that you run outside. Choose a favorite local route, a new route or just run with no specific route at all.
WHY:  A celebration of spring, for the love of running and….PRIZES (multiple winners)!
HOW:  Sign up below and indicate what distance you will be running (5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon or trail). Email addresses will only be used to communicate information about the races and to contact the winners.
Details of the Spring Fling Virtual Race Giveaway posted on March 31!

Grab the badge above, share on your blog, Facebook and/or Twitter (hashtag #springrun and #14in2014) and help spread the word!

Thanks to the great sponsors...
Ouch Wraps


  1. I love virtual races, I might check this out :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds great! I'm just sad I'm on the injured list and can't participate :(

  3. I am soooo signing up! It has been a LOOONG winter!


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