2015 This will be my year!

2014 brought many changes and new adventures into my life, some great and some not so good but times to learn. I have gained a lot of insight and know it will make me a better, stronger runner, a better mom and better in life. So here’s to an amazing 2015!  So far 2015 is off to a great start, O let us sleep in (6am was wonderful!) and now a relaxing morning watching Sleeping Beauty with my girl.

Fitness Goals
  • Sub 3:30 marathon (okay actually 3:15 is what I really want)
  • Run 2015 miles just for fun
  • Write marathon plan with 3-4 days of running, don’t run without purpose
  • Complete P90X and P90X2
  • Finish a triathlon
  • Stay injury free!!

My NYE prseent! Signed up for a 2015 race: Eau Claire Marathon

Life Goals
  • Focus my blog on my life and trials, write 2-3 times weekly
  • Finish grad school!
  • Plan a fun girls weekend
  • Grow my Thirty-One business with 1-2 parties monthly (Email if interested in online party)
  • Have fitness/nutrition challenge groups monthly (next one starts Jan 5th for 1 week to kick off 2015 right, email or comment if you want in)

  • No dairy while marathon training
  • Meet with nutritionist to address best plan for training nutrition
  • Plan meals weekly with one new meal each week
  • Garden this summer and grow our own veggies

  • Monthly dates with O
  • Monthly dates with hubby
  • Make friends a priority as life gets busy: coffee, runs, etc.
  • Help O transition to kindergarten
What are your big goals for 2015?


  1. This is my first time on your blog. I love your fitness goals and your monthly date goals. My husband and I need to do a better job of having monthly dates.

    Can I ask, why no dairy during marathon training? I'm planning to sign up for my first marathon this year and am trying to get as many tips/as much advice as possible.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I have a mild dairy intolerance but like cheese! It causes me respiratory issues so in order to run better I should avoid it but don't always.

    2. Welcome :) feel free to ask anything about marathon training, I've done it a few times! It is fun but work :)

  2. I was going to ask about dairy but see that it has already been answered in the comments. I love this post and plan to steal several ideas.

  3. Great goals! and I love how you include your hubby and family :)

  4. Great goals Jen! 2015 will be the year of ME for both of us!


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