The Good, The Bad and Some Uncertainty

Where do I start…The Good, The Bad or The Uncertainty?

The Good: I’m getting a brand new treadmill for my home and even better I got a great deal on it thanks to a store sale and a corporate agreement with my work! This baby will be my new winter running partner starting on Tuesday!
Preview Image
Life Fitness T5 Track+

The Bad: The foot! Seriously it has been fine until Wednesday night and then out of no where the pain returned but to a new area. What is this about? The most frustrating part is that I took 6 weeks off, eased back into running very slowly over 4 weeks and have now gotten to 3x week. Last week I ran 21 miles (1/3 of what I used to do). Tuesday I ran intervals pain free, Wednesday I did kickboxing and P90X lower/back/abs in the morning. That night I sat on the couch and when I got up to go to bed there was the pain.
I smartly skipped my tempo run yesterday for 1 hour on the elliptical but the pain remains. I’m thinking the worst and freaking out. Last night when I got home I was nearly in tears thinking the what ifs. Time to ice and roll and hope it is gone.

Uncertainty: I know it is early but my marathon plans this year are so up in the air! I want to run Chicago but not exicted about spending that amount of $ to not run a race. Deep breath and time to stay calm, do not overreact.

And finally Another Good: I have been accepted as a FitFluential Ambassador! So excited to join this great group.

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday. What are your good and bad this Friday?


  1. I got a treadmill a couple years ago to make it my new winter bff, but man, it's hard to transition to it from outside.

    I feel you on the foot pain, too. I thought I had a stress fracture, took 5 weeks off, and now I can run some (on that treadmill), and I hurt off and on, but not as badly. Maybe that means it's healing. I don't know. But I know how frustrating foot pain is, and I empathize.

    Found you through Jill Conyers #FitnessFriday linkup, and I am glad I did!

  2. Hooray for the new treadmill!
    And, congratulations on the Fitfluential Ambassador - I just became a new ambassador, too:)

  3. Congrats on becoming an FFA! It's a great group.

    I love love my treadmill especially during the winter #bestpurchaseever!


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