Five for Friday- Treadmill Running

What a frazzled and crazy week! I feel like it is summer with all of our plans and bus weekends. Although I lack the summer energy and am quickly returned to reality when I look out at the snow and see my big parka! To top it off my laptop has crashed twice on me this week, hence my absence here. I am on week 5 of marathon training and looking to be stuck inside for the foreseeable future. This is where you all come in…Answer a few questions for me on 5 for Friday.
Music on the run. I rarely listen to music while running except when inside and that tends to be hit or miss too. I have a little boredom issue and need new and exciting things. I’m the one skipping through ½ my playlist until that perfect song comes on. Lately it has been I Heart Radio for me. What is on your playlist?

TV on the run. This is more me since it not only occupies my ears but also my eyes. I need something mindless and entertaining, you know the shows you’d never watch elsewhere! Last winter it was GREEK that got me through and now I’ve moved on to Carrie Diaries. What shows/movies do you watch while running?
9.5 mile Tempo Run!

Books on the run. I’m not asking who reads an actual book while running, although I have seen it done I’m sure it would result in some massive injury for me! I’m talking audiobooks. With life, work and my thesis reading for fun doesn’t happen. I often bike just to look at a magazine! Who listens to audio books on the run? Does it help boredom?

The best parenting book ever!
Kids! This one has it’s pluses and minuses (mostly minuses!) O loves to hang out with me while I run. It is great she is interested and wants to do her own “workout” but this means she has constant questions, needs to talk, ask for help or just plain stares at me! Our only fix so far is TV so I save her shows for me afternoon run if needed but for the parents…How do you engage your kids while you run? This is only an issue when it is just O and I home, there is always the gym but some days that just isn’t an option due to time.

Morning versus Evening runs. The age old question, when do you run. I prefer my morning runs, then I’m done nothing gets in the way but lately sleep has gotten in the way or just an early work meeting. Once a week I normally run in the evening but I drag and feel it takes me over half the run to get where I want to be pacewise. I’ve played with different fuel options and nothing changes. I think it is just the toll of a long, early day. How do you get through a tough evening run? After the run is another issue! I tend to eat and eat, and it is usually not the greatest options. What are your go to later post-run snacks?

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday, next week I’m back with Marathon Monday and a giveaway!


  1. I like to listen to music loudly and pound my feet to the beat, but I also like to watch Friends episodes on short runs. Podcasts are good (I can't read while I'm running either!), but I like music and TV better!

  2. I run outside, so I'm not much help on entertainment recommendations. I always tell people the voices in my head keep me entertained. That's not creepy at all, right? ;) I'm definitely an afternoon runner though. I feel so sluggish in the morning. My runs are so much more productive in the afternoon. :)

  3. I love running on my treadmill! I either watch DVDs or catch up on all my reality TV that is on the DVR! I get up at 5:00 and run early so kids are still in bed and then get up for school (they are teen-agers:).

  4. I occasionally watch Once upon a Time on Netflix while running. I run early before my kids are awake.

  5. I love catching up on my favorite shows when I run on the treadmill. Evening runs? I just get through them. Nothing I have tried makes me like running in the evening. #moringperson

    Have you listened to podcasts? There are a lot of great ones!

  6. I keep listening to Fall Out Boy's "Immortals" from the Big Her 6 soundtrack on repeat. I can't explain it, but it really makes me feel like I superhero when I'm running. I'm pretty sure I listened to it 4x in a row on my last run.

    I can't do TV on the treadmill anymore, though. I can't keep distracted by it anymore, which means both my running and attention suffers. So now it's all music. I need to try again, or maybe put on a podcast to see if that helps again.

  7. I love the Rock My Run app! My current favorite mix is called Bring the Noise.


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