WIAW Whole30 Style- Recipe Sweet Potato Lettuce Wraps

After the holidays, a week on vacation and just plain being less than great with nutrition I decided to take on Whole30 (with a few modifications). I started Monday and my main focus is no dairy, no added sugars, minimal processed foods, minimal grains and limited wine. Plus I’m not going to stick with the 3 meals only plan since my body does not do well with the blood sugar drops and when I have tried things like that it is not good, including nearly passing out at work! Believe the first couple days haven’t been easy, I spent Monday with a jar of sugary PB (left by a past coworker) staring me in the face at work!

Here is a quick look at what I’ve been eating…

I’m sticking with my banana protein bowl on weekdays and will mix it up on weekends

Berries with chia seeds

Spinach salad with beets and avocado topped with hemp seeds and a side of sweet potato

Tofu sweet potato taco lettuce wraps!

Tofu Sweet Potato Taco Lettuce Wraps
1 block firm organic sprouted tofu drained
1 sweet potato diced
4 mini or 1 large pepper
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp crushed red pepper (or less)
1 tbsp oil

Heat oil and saute sweet potato, once soft add crumbled tofu, peppers and garlic. Season . Top with avocado and diced tomatoes and serve in lettuce cups.

What is on your plate this week? Linking up with What I Ate Wednesday

What I Ate Wednesday Button


  1. Your meals look so pretty compared to mine! Love having your along for the journey - keep it up!

    1. Thanks for leading this, I'm enjoying it so far!

  2. Yum! Those lettuce wraps look so good! Good luck with the whole30 journey! You can do it!

  3. Ooh I love sweet potato - and you had it twice in one day! That sounds great. Are there other whole30 foods you eat a lot of ?

    This was my second WIAW and I loved it. So fun to read about what everyone eats!

    1. I have a slight sweet potato obsession! I eat them a lot as you can see, being GF for celiac it is a good safe carb. I also eat a lot of carrots, edamame and almonds :)
      Thanks for stopping by.


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