Another Mother Runner Book Party and My Revelations as an Injured Runner

Right after O was born I won the book Run Like a Mother to be honest I have still only read parts, not because it isn’t a good book but because I can’t sit long enough to actually read a book! A few months ago when I heard the authors Dimity and Sara were heading to Minneapolis to promote their new book I was excited. Last night was that book party and so much fun to go with my mother runner friends (Moms Run This Town).
At first I thought it would just be a fun night out with friends; dinner, wine and running…what more do you need?! We all left with a great bag of run goodies including 4 pairs of socks!!
All my goodies!
Then Kara Thom read her essay from the new book Tales from a Mother Runner and I related a little too much! She spoke on her life as a runner and Ironman and then how injury after injury changed her perspective. Next she mentioned her background as a dancer and how the damage probably started years earlier and now I was really wondering if I had written this. Part of her essay here She spoke of being at the finish line she’d never cross and how the perspective has changed. By the end I was sure I had written this all! Well maybe not the part about accepting that her running life had changed and was now focused on sharing the love of running with others/her daughters and not on her running. I think this was tough to hear as I have thought this over the past year. Where is my running going? Will I ever be back to where I want to be? Or is it time to accept that I’m done with racing?

Being an injured runner is tough for many reasons, mostly you question everything. What will the future bring? Will I be able to sustain my identity as that runner? Can I share this with my daughter? Will I have to turn down race entries for the unforeseeable future? Right now I continue to focus on learning to love other aspects of fitness and surviving this setback while being smart. I want off this rollercoaster for good!

As you can see from my addition to the Bad@ss Wall I am not done fighting! My purple post-it on the bottom states it from everyone to see…Run a 3:15 Marathon! And I’m told if it is on the wall it will come true!
Sorry for the strange direction this post took but I too was shocked what te night brought. Honestly it opened my eyes even more and has me more focused on my situation and getting through stronger. It was a fun night full of Mother Runners with varying goals and directions but we all connected through running and motherhood. Seriously mommy runners if you can go to this event when it is near you! 

Have you read any of the Another Mother Runner books? Or follow the podcasts?

Happy Friday and enjoy your long 3 day weekend!

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday


  1. Sounds awesome!! And if you can dream it, you can do it... right?! :)

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl

  2. I'm struggling with some of these same feelings myself. I'm sidelined due to a UC flare and it's hard to see everybody preparing for their runs and posting about them while I'm not doing much of anything. I know it'll get harder as my race-a-verseries come up. Jerusha -

    1. I'm sorry :( I have coached for Team Challenge and have many runner friends with UC, it can be tough. Hang in there

  3. I went to a AMR party in Carlsbad! They are the best!

  4. Yes and yes to the AMR books and podcasts. Jen I love your never give up-ness!

    1. I need to check out the podcasts :) Thanks Jill!


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