Weekly: Week 2 Injury Update

Last Wednesday my week took an unwelcomed yet not fully unexpected turn when I was told no running for 4 weeks by the sports MD. So with this my plans were changed bigtime. O had her dance recital on Saturday and it was amazing to see the difference in the past year, she has a blast on stage, knows her dances and looks natural on stage.

Monday: BB Chest/Tris and Core
Tuesday: BB Legs and 6 mile run
Wednesday: BB Back/Biceps and core
Thursday: 4-6 mile run and BB Shoulders kickboxing
Friday: BB Cardio in morning, Shoulders and Abs evening
Saturday: Run and yoga, 1:36 elliptical and 15:00 rowing Thank you Netflix and old Friends episodes
Sunday: 8 mile run 35 min walk with Cooper and BB Chest/Tris
Post walk treats!

This will be week 2 of no running, it has been 6 days since I last ran and I think the toughest part is that my leg feels pretty good. I’ve done nitroglycerin since Friday and wow even at a super low dose I have some weird side effects…warm chest, lightheaded, headache so pretty much exactly what it should be doing! I’m on week 2 of Body Beast and this is tough!

Monday: BB Legs and Yoga
Tuesday: BB Back/Biceps and core, elliptical
Wednesday: BB Total Body and Bike
Thursday: Kickboxing and pilates
Friday:  Elliptical BB Shoulders and core evening
Saturday: Elliptical and BB Chest/Triceps
Sunday: Bike and BB Legs

Today I’m looking outside at nasty winds and wind chills in the 30s so I’m okay not running. This weather is crazy! What are your goals this week? Mine are to get in all PT exercises 2-3 x day like I should, plant my garden and start working on editing my thesis! 2 months until graduation!


  1. My goal is to get all three of my runs in and at least 1 Body Pump class. Oh and to win my diet bet tomorrow morning!

  2. I hope you heal well girl! And I can't imagine temps that cold now! Wow!

    1. Thanks Mindy! It has been a little too cold for me :(


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