Marathon 27 done! Ready to move on...

I’ve started and restarted writing this recap multiple times, partly because I feel like I didn’t really race the marathon and party because despite not racing I’m frustrated with my running over the past years. I know I haven’t always been the smartest but I’m the most frustrated by the fact that I have tried so hard over the past year to be smart, take time off, do PT, run less, etc and still this. I know it is likely because we didn’t fully address the problem but still, ugh!

Okay enough, on to the part you’re here to read…

Saturday we drove 2 hours to Wisconsin so I could cross another state of my quest for 50 states. Hit the “expo” (okay really a few tables in a mall), check in to our hotel in the midst of a crazy influx of guests, 20 minutes in line to check in, crazy! I then got out my trusty Find Me GF app and searched finding only 3 really safe options with vegetarian meals too: Chipotle (probably not a smart pre marathon choice), Noodles (again my usual Pad Thai not pre marathon food) and Olive Garden. Unfortunately this was prom night and it was packed, luckily the bar seating was open. I decided a glass of chianti was perfect with my brown rice primavera and salad. Salad was all mine so I had a small moment where I considered eating straight out of the serving bowl!

Logistics of race morning were nice, I woke up (actually slept in), ate my usual breakfast, rolled, relaxed, spent too much time in the bathroom (sorry TMI but I’ll stop there) and headed downstairs to catch the shuttle to the start which was 5 minutes away. It was already warm out 60s and sunny so I shed my jacket, turned in my bag and headed to the start after I drank my UCAN.
I ran naked!
I tried to line up away from pacers and got in a group of college kids, part of a training class, and decided to run with them. We chatted the first few miles, they were all shocked I was over 25!! Especially when I informed that I was not close to 25. I had no watch, just ran what felt good and quickly learned the downside to this. 10K split was 7:58 pace, oops! The hills were starting to get tougher as the heat rose. I was warm!

Soon I was nearing the half and saw Matt with my UCAN right before the half. I walked with him and chatted for a minute…my words: my toe is throbbing (stupid nail!), my thumb hurts (some weird thing for the past month!) and my hamstring is tight and I’m hot so I’ll be slowing down.

Mile 17 I spotted a DQ and was scheming a way to get them to give me ice cream without having to pay! I kept moving…
Best race sign ever!

By Mile 21 I was searching for a bathroom, stupid GI issues the previous week. I found one. Walked a bit and talked on the phone to Matt telling him I was slowing more maybe just walking, see him at the finish. Then I felt great again, guess I needed that walk break. About this time we meet up with the half (who start 90 minutes later)

Mile 22, 23 where’s the water stop? There it is but no water left?! I’m mad and I’m still ahead of most runners.
I don't look nearly as bad as I thought!
Mile 24 through college, water stop with water but no cups. Who cares, I stop open my mouth and drink from the water jug!

Mile 25 and again no water. Turn the corner and Mile 26, the 2nd runner I see on the ground with medical attention. The finish line is near and I’m done! Marathon 27 in the books. 3:50 something I think, I really didn’t look, and didn’t care.

The leg was tight during the run but not painful until the 2 hour drive home! I decided I’m done with long drives to marathons, sitting after is not fun!


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