Weekly Updates: Focus on Strength and Recovery

Another week of no running, busy work and now cold, rainy weather. I’m almost halfway through my 4 weeks of no running. Luckily this week I was able to focus on fun with friends and family; a few dinners out, AMR Book Party and more. I even tried a new workout and went back to spin for the first time in nearly a year! Our Memorial weekend has been full of rain and clouds meaning I got lots of organizing done.

Last month I decided to quit being a Beachbody coach, I love the programs and have built a great collection for myself but I hate the way Shakeology is pushed as the greatest thing ever and can fix anything. I tried it, it is okay but I have found much better options that agree with my body much better. I will continue to share my experience with the workouts and how great those are and would be happy to share my opinions and advice on the workout programs if anyone has questions.

Monday: BB Legs (this is the last time since 1 hour of legs causes too much hamstring pain!) and T25 Alpha Cardio
Tuesday: BB Back/Biceps and core, 1 hour elliptical
Wednesday: BB Shoulders and T25 Alpha Cardio
Thursday: PiYo Core and BB Cardio
Friday:  70 min spin class and 30 min walk
Saturday: Work then 40 min Elliptical and BB Chest/Triceps
Sunday: BB Legs BB Back/Biceps and P90X+ Kenpo (Love it!)

My new workout obsession!
So today marks the unofficial start to summer and it sure doesn’t feel like it! I’m sitting here with my coffee in a sweatshirt and looking out as the rain falls! I still need to get my veggie garden planted and we wanted to get out for a family bike ride that has yet to happen this weekend. Tomorrow I start my final semester of grad school! Less than 2 months until graduation!! My focus will continue to be strength, cross training, recovery and now school again. 

Monday: BB Shoulders/core and 90 min Elliptical or Bike (depending on weather)
Tuesday: Yoga and 1 hour elliptical
Wednesday: BB Back/Bicep and T25 Alpha Cardio
Thursday: PiYo Core/Glutes and Kickboxing
Friday:  BB Chest/Tris and Yoga
Saturday: 90 min Elliptical and 15 min Rowing
Sunday: Work BB Back/Biceps and P90X+ Kenpo (Love it!)

Matt (and many friends) are running a half/full marathon on Sunday that finishes about 1 mile from my work so while I’m a little jealous I’m excited to sneak out and head over to see them finish. This past week I won an entry to another local half marathon and sadly I couldn’t use, ugh!
My favorite quote that is perfect right now!

I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day Weekend. 

What are your goals this week? Best workout last week?


  1. Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy through this injury. It will help make the time go by faster. Happy Memorial Day Jen!

    1. Thanks Mindy! Being busy helps me t forget about running a little :)

  2. Sounds like you're taking recovery well, I know it isn't easy! All your cross training will have you running again in no time!


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