Full recovery mode! Nitro and my hamstring...

Well I had my appointment with the sports doctor on Wednesday and it went as I had hoped it wouldn’t but had thought it might. Still dealing with this hamstring that started 2 (maybe even 3) years ago. I stupidly kept running, took a few days off, felt better, hurt again..you get the cycle!

Finally last spring I got smart after terrible pain at Boston. I took 6 weeks off worked with PT, strengthened my core and glutes, worked with a postural restoration specialist, worked on changing my gait. I changed my focus to yoga, strength training and more cross training. I decreased my weekly mileage and running days and had a decent although not great marathon last fall. Then somehow did something to my foot/ankle and took another 6 weeks off and once back trained for my last marathon 3 days a week. Despite all this 6 weeks before the race the hamstring was angry! And we all know how the marathon went

After a full assessment he doesn’t think my back is causing any of the issues, it is all hamstring. So we are starting with Nitroglycerin patches to my hamstring at night! My first reaction, what?! Those are used for chest pain. Doctor says they have about 80-90% success rate when combined with PT strengthening. I went to do my own research and sure enough lots of evidence to support.

No running for 4 weeks! (only 25 days left!). So tell me your favorite cross training? Luckily I’m not signed up for any more races until July. But I can do anything else as long as it doesn’t cause pain. He also wants me on the elliptical 3x week to mimic my running miles.

The best part…he strongly feels that I will be ready to jump into full marathon training in 6 weeks! And he thinks I can shoot for my 3:15 pain free and stronger than I’ve been in years!

Now we just wait, cross our fingers and hope it works. If not then we are looking at PRP or stem cell injection and a much longer time off.

Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans? It is dance recital weekend for us!

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday


  1. Ugh, sorry to hear about your hamstring pain, but great news that you'll only be recovering for a relatively short time! My favorite cross training has to be yoga!

    1. Thanks :) I used to do more yoga and need to add it back in.

  2. While I can't say that I enjoy it as much as running, riding a stationary bike has helped me maintain fitness when I couldn't run.

    1. Very true, it is a good alternative but not as fun!


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