Almost there...Injury and back to running

Well I survived another week of not running, almost there but this weekend hasn’t been nice to my body! Saturday the elliptical irritated my peroneal tendon, didn’t have an issue until after or I would have quit and then Sunday While carrying laundry I managed to kick a 25 lb weight with my bare toe and pretty sure it is broken. At least it is only my little toe. It was great to get in 2 tough spin sessions and more strength work.

Monday: P90X+ Intervals and BB Chest/Core
Tuesday: BB Legs and 1 hour elliptical
Wednesday: BB Back/Core and T25 Alpha Cardio
Thursday: BB Arms
Friday:  BB Shoulders/Core and Spin
Saturday: 2 hours Elliptical
Sunday: BB Chest/Core and 75 min spin class

This is it my final week of no running, I’m being optimistic! I can not handle any more elliptical, not just mentally but my foot doesn’t like it. Everyone send my good thoughts tomorrow around noon! I’m hoping to start marathon training in 1 week so there is a lot riding on this appointment! This week is always bringing heat! 90 degrees, yay! This is my perfect morning run weather when it is warm but still not hot at 5am.

Monday: BB Legs and 3 mile walk with Cooper
Tuesday: BB Back and run or bike
Wednesday: BB Arms/Core and P90X Kenpo
Thursday: Run or T25 Cardio and BB Shoulders
Friday:  Yoga and walk
Saturday: BB Chest
Sunday: BB Legs and run

I’m excited to say I had to go out a buy new weights last weekend since I was outgrowing what I had, yay strength gains! Crossing my fingers I can run again…

What was your best workout last week? Goals this week?


  1. Ouch on that toe! I am thinking positive thoughts for you! (Maybe you could try pool running instead of elliptical if you need to??)

  2. Oh girl! You are not having the best luck! Hope everything heals nicely! And yay for back to running! I know you can't wait!


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