Weekly updates and surviving when things don't go as planned

I debated even doing a weekly post this week, I lost it…my motivation has disappeared, my acceptance of not running is gone instead these are replaced by frustration and lack of motivation for another minute of indoor workout! But would I be honest if I only shared my good weeks…I did manage to do PT exercises daily so that’s a bonus. The week ended with a glass of wine and wanting to run.

A fried sent me this and I think I need it!

Monday: BB Shoulders/core and T25 Speed
Tuesday: Yoga and 1 hour elliptical
Wednesday: BB Back/Bicep and T25 Alpha Cardio
Thursday: BB Back/Biceps
Friday:  BB Chest/Tris and Yoga T25 Core Cardio
Saturday: 2 hour Elliptical and 15 min Rowing and core
Sunday: Work BB Back/Biceps and P90X+ Kenpo (Love it!) 1 hour walk with Cooper

Today is a new week and a new month so I am focused I can do this. 8 days until I see the doctor!

Monday: P90X+ Intervals and BB Chest/Core
Tuesday: BB Legs and 1 hour elliptical or considering a new dance class
Wednesday: BB Back/Core and T25 Alpha Cardio
Thursday: BB Arms
Friday:  BB Shoulders/Core and Spin or Yoga
Saturday: 90 min Elliptical and 30 min Rowing
Sunday: BB Chest/Core and Bike

I just keep reminding myself the focus is running strong, I can survive another 8 days! This past weekend O had her annual gymnastics show and got to show us her new skills. Such a little gymnast and she loves it. How was your last week? Goals for this week?

Did you check out mygiveaway? And all the others in the 2nd Annual Shape Up Summer Giveaway?


  1. I know it's frustrating Jen! But it's for the best! You are going to be a much stronger runner! O is a super cute gymnast! My Sawyer LOVES his gymnastics too! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Mindy! I love watching the kids at gymnastcs :)

  2. It's very frustrating to be out, I know I was out of running for 2 years for a bad work injury:) It's tough, but the time off will be worth it. 8 more days you can do it!
    Very cute little one on the bars, wow that takes me back to my own youth gymnastic days, good memories!

    1. 2 years, wow! I can handle this, 4 weeks now will mean no more injury!


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