11 Random Things

I was tagged by Laura at Mommy Run Fast and Laura at Faith, Family, Love, Joy for the 11 random things post. After all my negative posts lately I thought I'd play along and post 11 fun facts and answer the questions posted by Laura (FFLJ).

1. I started dancing when I was 3 years old until college. Many years of recitals, competitions and costumes.

2. I have a huge collection of Little Mermaid stuff. It is now packed away but for years when I lived at home I had everything displayed in my room

3. Until about 10 years ago I hated running! After college I decided to run a charity marathon and was hooked.

4. I had a job in college as a research assistant where I travelled to local tattoo shops and observed. What a fun experience and I got published out of the deal. I since have gotten 2 tattoos and am planning my third this spring.

5. I could live on sweet potatoes, cereal, pumpkin and coffee.

6. I have a terrible sweet tooth, but can't eat chocolate.

7. I hate mushrooms and brussel sprouts! and haven't eaten red meat in probably 20 years (or any meat in 3 years). Early pregnancy made any meat awful so I figured why not just stop and I haven't missed it.

8. My favorite singer is Prince. I knew Boston 2011 was going to be a good race when the first song played on the bus to Hopkinton was "Let's Go Crazy"

9. I hate feet! I always wear socks, even in summer I put socks on as soon as I get home.

10. I was a tomboy/girly girl growing up. I was in a pageant as a child and refused to wear a dress instead wearing sweats and a t-shirt to the interview, I was 6 years old and already not letting anyone tell me what to do.

11. I am a self proclaimed wine snob. We are members of 4 wine clubs and have a collection of wine at home. I could drink red wine nightly (or a white in the summer).

The Questions I was asked by Laura Faith, Family, Love, Joy
Best thing that happened this weekend? Dinner with friends on Saturday, I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time.

What is the last book you read and would you recommend it? I've basically been in school all my life, honestly I haven't read a fun book in years! The last book I read not for school was for my daughter: Potty Time Elmo

What is something you want to try? Running related: Ultra marathon (looking at a 50K in July). Nonrunning: This summer I was to successfully grow vegetables and also start composting, long term I'd love to write a cookbook.

Are you crafty? No, I've started scrapbooks that are unfinished, can't sew and have no artistic ability.

What is something that annoys you? Is it bad that I am having a tough time narrowing down to just one thing? Right now I think the biggest has to be bad dog owners who think they can let their dog run free and chase after me when I'm out running, Put your dog on a leash on public paths!

What’s for dinner tonight? It was a weird night since I was at the gym recruiting for our run club during dinner so I had raisin bread with sun butter, cutie and root veggie chips

If you are on Pinterest, how do you come up with your board names? {Straight to the point or creative?} I love Pinterest! I use it mainly for food and kid things. All my boards are pretty straight forward.

What is the last movie you watched {home or theater} and would you recommend it? Bridesmaids, sure it was funny.

What is your typical order when you go to a coffee shop? Soy latte

Last song you listened to? The last thing I remember from my drive home was Loser by Beck. There is a new local radio station that plays a mix of 90s alternative and recent alternative a pop, strange combination but I think I like it.

Are you happy at this moment? Sure, right now I am relaxing after a busy day. Overall I am in a good place (working to get where I want to be) and have a great husband and daughter.


  1. It's fun learning more about you! We grew some veggies and were composting at our old house, but haven't figured it all out in Tx yet. I'm not crafty either, I also have unfinished scrapbooks floating around!


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