Snow Day

Backyard this morning
For the past week the big talk has been the blizzard of the year, upwards of 15" of snow combined with ice and sleet, yuck! In the end we have about 7" of heavy snow along with a nice of sleet and an icy layer on everything.I would have been okay, well at least accepting of this in January but now I am done and ready for spring. I'm fine with our mild winter a lack of snow, why make up for it in one day?!

It appears the entire area is shut down and roads are awful. So happy I have a new car this winter and the Saab is gone, I still have bad memories of getting stuck at the end of our driveway on Christmas Eve when I was 8 months pregnant only to be given dirty looks by the crabby neighbor for leaving my car there. All this over only a few inches of snow, one of the reasons I hated that car!

With all that wonderful weather we are experiencing our first snow day with a cancelled art class. I thought I'd have a few more years until I needed to look at the list of school closings, but today it appeared that all the districts were closed (except the one I went to growing up, they never close!) so I looked and sure enough class is cancelled and the district school's closed.  Leading to an unhappy toddler wanting to go to art class so we brought art class to us, although very limited. Thanks to my mom for saving everything I found an old pair of safety scissors and we started cutting, gluing and drawing.

The art project we pulled together, good way to make use of old magazines!
Nothing compared to last week's class project. No, she is not wearing pants, got to love this phase!
Looks like another treadmill run is in the plans for today considering the BOB wouldn't make it through. Hills on the treadmill, ick! Hoping this clears soon so that running isn't bad on the weekend. Hopefully the treadmill run will be inspiring for dinner ideas considering I need to get to the store and currently have 4 feet of snow at the end of the driveway thanks to the plow!


  1. Don't you just love this weather? We have a snow day too! The kid has been playing outside for an hour...he'll be so tired later!

  2. I'm a little jealous of the snow! Makes me miss NY. Great job on the art project on the fly! Just the other night, my husband was taping L kicking around the soccer ball and she was refusing to wear pants. At this age, it's a battle not worth fighting unless you have to leave the house. :) Thanks for changing my link so quickly, I appreciate it!

  3. Laura- You can have the snow! Pants are not a battle worth fighting, as long as she is happy then mom is too :)

    Taryn- I'm the starnge MN girl who hates snow and cold! Strange I know :)


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