April Snow Showers...

Warning: A little ranting below...

Do you see these pictures? Yes, I took the first this morning on April 19th with a foot of snow on the ground, schools are closed and we have yet to even near 60 degrees for the year. The second was my drive yesterday (no I was not driving). I felt like I was in the middle of no where when in fact I was next to a freeway and near a major metro area! Can you even believe this? I know I keep saying it but I am done with this! Yesterday I seriously considered packing up and moving, what perfect timing as  I finish school and need to find a job. I did have a potential offer out of state already but I do have an in state offer too (yes, my interview last week was a success) but still debating this.

The combination of weather, final weeks of school, a crazy 3 year old and stress of life are not making things smooth lately. I just want to sit outside with my morning coffee while O plays or get out for a run not requiring 15 minutes to layer on enough clothes to stay warm and dry or even just walk to my car without my fingers freezing!

It is April and I bought soup for lunch yesterday and sat by the fire drinking a glass of wine at night. Matt and I had planned to attend a wine tasting but instead stayed home due to road conditions. Now here we sit not sure if I plan to venture out today or not, but so tired of being trapped by this weather. I have 22 miles planned tomorrow and now need to rethink my route since the trails will once again be full of snow. Then to make things worse the forecast says rain on Sunday/Monday. We have a fun photo opp scheduled on Sunday for our moms running group, ugh! In O's words "snow and rain go away, come back next year!"

Time to go bundle up and get moving, the gym is calling for my much needed workout. Now if only we could be back to running the 1 1/2 miles there and back instead of driving. Also need to rethink dinner plans as we are down to two meal options both involving the grill which you can see above in buried!

Don't forget about the Vegetarian Challenge to start next week. Also come back for a couple great giveaways here that will fit right in with a healthy eating challenge.


  1. OH man! That is the worst! I hope it melts quickly and you can get on with it. There is nothing worse than being stuck inside with antsy kids;)

  2. We have had lingering snow here too, but with those pictures, you win:) Wishing spring to come and stay for us both soon!!!

  3. I would definitely be ranting about all of that snow!!
    I told my husband if we get snow in April (I live in KS), I'm packing!!!

  4. Holy moly!!!!!! That must be maddening!!!!!!

  5. Oh my gosh! Your rant is definitely justified. That's beyond annoying.

  6. I hope little O gets her wish and you get your long run in. Happy Friday!

  7. Okay, you win for worst weather ever! I would be so upset if it were still snowing. Of course we have rain and flash floods but we can usually sneak in a few warm rays in between the downfall.

    Excited about the vegetarian challenge next week. Have checked my shelves to make sure I have plenty of beans and rice. Now I just need to get to the veggies.

  8. Ouch! My parents live in the UP of Michigan and have been getting hit hard with snow and cold too. We are finally getting warm temps. Hopefully your snow isn't headed our way!

  9. You have my sympathies. That weather looks miserable! I can't believe you will do 22 miles in it, but it will make you a tougher runner for sure! Spring has got to come soon for you!

  10. OMG! Such chilly weather in APRIL! Here it's high of low 70's today so I won't complain :-( hope you got in a great workout!!

  11. No snow but freakin' cold weather here too. Ugh! Had to wear hat and gloves this morning for my run.


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