Marathon Monday Week 10

Week 10 means 3 more peak weeks of training then taper, how did I get this close? My hamstring was only slightly irritated this week after a long run but mostly my glute was angry and even more upset after intense rolling, ouch! 

Spring was here for a couple days, I even got out in shorts to run once but now we are back to temps in the teens, yuck! April 1st, still snow on the ground, ice on the lakes and wind chills. What the heck?

Monday: Yoga DVD in morning & 1:15 on elliptical
Tuesday: Skipped spin to sleep (pattern?) weights with trainer + east 4.5 mile run 35:30 & 5.5 mile run 50:10 in evening (coaching)
Wednesday: 8.5 mile tempo run 1:02:35 & core
Thursday: Morning Spin, very easy 2 mile run (for TV news story) and weights/core
Friday: Slept in and long clinic day, but had to run with puppy in the sun and shorts (54 degrees) 3 mile easy run
Saturday: 22 mile run (14 with friends + 7 to finish) 3:16:14
Sunday: Very easy 3 mile run/walk recovery with Matt, O and puppy, afternoon weights/core

The joys of spring, puddles! I think I swam 1/4 of my long run!
1st puppy/kid/mommy run of the year with sunshine, great way to start the weekend!
And what's ahead for Week 11 of marathon training? More being smart and staying injury free and this. This is a slight cutback on mileage but increase on intensity as I hope to work more on speed and hills now that I am back. I continue to roll, ice and yoga will be my friend.

Goal: Continue to listen to my body, foam roll, ice and yoga 2-3x this week. SPeed intervals with 1/4-1/2 miles at 6:6:15 pace and 3/4-1 mile at 6:30-6:45 pace

Monday: Yoga & 1 hour elliptical or hills on treadmill (depending on glutes)
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & Easy evening Run (coaching)
Wednesday: Morning Run (Speed Intervals- ladder workout) during preschool
Thursday: Morning Spin & Afternoon run 3-4 miles/weights
Friday: Morning Spin & Yoga
Saturday: Easy run 6-8 miles & Weights
Sunday: Long Run 16-18 Miles

How was your week? Remember today starts the week long sugar detox (or go one step further and go free of sugar/dairy/gluten all week). Check out my page and Laura's for tips and recipes.


  1. Great job on your 22! I'm glad you're cutting back a little and being smart. It's tough but worth it!

    1. Resting and not pushing through is tougher than just going!

  2. Great job on that 22 miler girl! I'm glad you get to taper a little this week. Sounds like you need it! Have a great training week!!!

  3. Sounds like you've got a great week of training planned. I am jealous -- I'm 22 weeks pregnant and on some exercise restrictions, so my "training" is limited to spin classes (keeping HR uder 140), prenatal yoga, and some light aerobics/weights stuff in a class at the Y. But I am doing the Color Run with my husband and 3 yr old next weekend, so that's something to look forward to!

    1. Have fun at the Color Run, my daughter had a blast at one last summer. Great job with the spin and yoga :)

  4. I have the same stroller and I run w/ my dog, who wears a halti collar. Funny! It's so much fun to run w/ kid & a pup isn't it!? Glad you were able to enjoy some sunshine!

    1. Too funny! I love running with them, pups is 7 now so we are cutting back to shorter distance but he continues to push me :)

  5. That puddle is huge! Looks like a trail around my home! Way to rock the 22 miler!

  6. Great job on your Sunday long run! I have to get some better shoes... having feet pain lately.

  7. Oh please don't tell me spring is over already! I enjoyed my first run in shorts yesterday. I want more!

    Great job on your workouts! Yay for semi happy hammies!

    1. I hope not! I had one nice run in shorts and now ready for more.

  8. Wow. Excellent training runs. gives me shivers thinking about similar training I had done from August to Jan'13 for a marathon in Jan'13. Good Luck with your marathon.

    1. Thanks, how was your result from the training?

  9. We've entered the muddy season here in NH. I know what you mean with the puddles! Hope your hamstring/glute feels better!

    1. Warm and muddy is kind of fun but cold and muddy yuck!

  10. Not related to this post but rather to a few posts back when you talked about keeping easter healthy, I HAD to share this blog post with you:

    1. Love it! This is great, that picture of all the candy, wow who the heck eats that much in an entire year?!

  11. you sound so good!! Sounds like the changes you are making are making a difference! AND wow, you are fast!!

    1. Thanks, I hope things continue to go well :)

  12. Your training is going great and you're definitely training smart. I'll start sharing my Marathon Monday on Monday next week :)

    1. Thanks Jill, trying to be smart this time around :)

  13. Thanks for inviting me to link up this week! :)

  14. Great workout week! Must be fun to walk with the baby and the puppy. I'm sure it's relaxing.


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