Taking it to a new level: Getting Dopey!

Yesterday I mentioned that we decided to take on a new adventure, so what have we decided to do? For the past few months Matt and I have talked about running the Goofy Challenge in 2015 for the 10th anniversary until last week when we saw The Dopey Challenge. I jokingly send Matt an email saying "wouldn't this be fun?" his response "how much?" After some discussion we were in! That's right, 4 races over 4 days and what better time to do this then the inaugural year. Just in case you aren't familiar with Dopey this is it:

Thursday: 5K - 3.1 Miles
Friday: 10K - 6.2 Miles (New Race!)
Saturday: Half Marathon - 13.1 Miles
Sunday: Marathon - 26.2 Miles = 48.6 Miles over 4 days
Earn 6 medals (now how to pack these to fly home!) and 4 shirts.

I have wanted to go back to Disney for the marathon since it was my first, 11 years ago I decided on a whim to "train" (yes I use that term lightly) and run a marathon. I hated running but decided to run a marathon just to say I did it and be done. I mean what else do you do with all the extra time once you are done with college and working a stressful job? I was newly married and about the begin round 1 of graduate school, so what better time to do this!
Me after Disney 2003
I blame the 2003 Disney Marathon for making me the runner I am today. I honestly can say this is the race that changed my life. I wonder had I never run this and not performed like competitive me wanted would I have run another marathon? I finished the race in ~5:30 and wanted to do better. Would I have become a strong runner, would I love it so much, would I be a coach? Who knows!

I can't wait to run this to not only achieve a new goal but also get myself back into the running for fun mindset. I know I can't race 4 races in 4 days and it is very unlikely any PRs will be set. Knowing this will take that mental pressure away and I am hoping I can just enjoy the races and the time in Disney. BabyCakes here I come, oh how I have missed your wonderful bakery for the past 2 years. I know O will have a blast in Disney World and even better they have multiple kid's races too.

I was even happier to see this video with all the great changes: Smaller field, more corrals, stricter corral placement, new shirt, etc...

Who else is in for Dopey? Registration officially opens today, so go do it! I've been running a few race/training strategies through my head but I'm sure as it gets closer I will be asking for advice from others who have taken on similar challenges.

Now off to something that could lead to my other new adventure...A Job Interview! I would love to have something set a month before I even graduate.


  1. Sounds so exciting. I live in Canada and "running Disney" is totally on my fitness bucket list...someday!
    Good luck on your job interview! Woot woot!

    1. It is a fun race, can't wait to run it again.

  2. Woohoo!!!! You are going to have a blast girl!!! Good luck with the interview today!

  3. That's is CRAZY but also crazy exciting! :) And I love your marathon journey, so inspiring!

    1. Thanks Laura, I think people are often surprised to hear how I started :)

  4. Hi there! Just found your blog; good luck on the interview! I just registered for Dopey...it would be my first marathon, so I'm feeling like I've lost my mind! But I'm sure it'll be an absolute blast, no matter what happens. :-D

    1. Yay! Can't wait to see how it goes for you :)

  5. I am already registered, can't wait!

  6. I want to do this so bad! With breaking my ankle thought, I'm scared I won't be back -- I'm doing the Dumbo Double Dare this year (Coast to Coast - did the marathon in January). I think I'm going to try for this in 2015 :)

  7. I hope things went well at your job interview!

    I can't believe you're tackling The Dopey! I was talking with some runner/bloggers in Chicago about this just Sunday night. I can't wait to hear how you train for that. What an incredible and fun challenge. :)

  8. Sounds crazy but also exciting to me too! Might not be too bad if you take them all easy I guess, but still quite an undertaking!

    1. I plan to only race 1 of the days the others will be medium or easy runs :)

  9. all signed up for Dopey too! P will be ~6 months old, so I will not be racing either - 2/1 run/walk sounds like fun for me! :) can't wait to meet you in FL! :)

    1. Yay! Can't wait, just think of all the training you will get pushing P in the running stroller :)


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