Figuring it all out

Busy life
Pretty much sums things up...

2 weeks, that is it! When I began this crazy journey of a second round of grad school I thought it would never end but here I sit two weeks from the final day to submit all my clinical evaluations and cases. This also means I am 15 days from marathon #21, great planning…isn’t tapering bad enough, now add to that all that goes along with finishing grad school. Over the next few weeks my brain will be consumed with the following…

Final Paper
Not just any paper but one to basically wrap up the past year and the education courses I added to my doctoral program. 25-50 pages worth of writing and describing my experience as an educator, complete with my own philosophy and of course literature review. So far page 1 is started, good thing it is a compilation of four courses of work and I can pull from past papers. 72 hours to write this monstrosity of a paper! With the wonderful forecast of 70s this weekend I’m sure some of this writing will be done sitting outside J

Clinical Hours
Wrapping these up, but I love them! I am working with a great physician who loves to teach and is passionate about what he does. I love sports medicine and knowing that I am helping someone regain the ability to perform their sport or even daily activities without limitations or pain. I what’s better then working with another runner, we can share great running stories besides the medical side of things.

Job Searching
A few weeks ago I mentioned heading to an interview, well good news I got an offer but it is my perfect job. I have this ideal job in mind that likely doesn’t exist and know I need to settle on some things. So where do I make sacrifices? The hours, the population I want to work with, the location, the money? am I the only one who considers workout schedule when looking at jobs? In my dream world I want to work part-time with flexible schedule and minimal to no weekends and in sports medicine, although I have strongly considered going back to the excitement of trauma again. The good news, while this job does not seem to exist right now, I have a call back for a 3rd interview on a different job (yes 3rd of 4), a 1st interview on another job and this potential offer that can sit until I graduate. What is your ideal job? What will you sacrifice?

Studying for Boards
This is the part that scares the stuff out of me! I am not a great test taker although I manage to pull through when it matters. Without this the job search doesn’t matter. I have taken my review course and just need to make it through the next couple weeks then begin the intense act of studying in every free moment. 

A Marathon!
The joy of running and my workouts are what get me through the stress of school! ALl about balance, right? As a runner I honestly can’t think of a better way to celebrate another accomplishment in my school and career. Hoping this will help push me through the race to a new PR! And then I will get a well deserved great dinner not only to celebrate my graduation but refuel. 
Genius! via Etsy.

The good news is I think (and hope) we are all on the mend; we are almost at 24 hours without a fever. I actually enjoyed a nice walk last night in place of a hardcore workout. Today I actually woke up feeling normal, hoping for a nice run in the sun today. Happy Friday! Any fun weekend plans? We are hoping for a bike ride to get ice cream as a well deserved study break for us all. O gets to head outside to be Matt's "research assistant" to obtain data for his final.

Don’t forget to enter the Huma Gel Giveaway


  1. Oh my goodness, Jen... you have a LOT going on! It's all so exciting. Congrats on being so close to the end of grad school, and best wishes on the marathon. Job searching is hard... yes, like you I definitely want a flexible schedule for everything else to fit in, too. Hope the perfect fit falls in your lap!

    1. Thanks Laura, it is so much different looking for a job as a mom now and still wanting to work, have time for me and my family :)

  2. You got this girl!! I thought I had a lot on my plate - -you're awesome! I'm thinking of going back to school too, but haven't made my mind up yet. Can't wait to hear about the test and the job search end up going!! :)

    1. Thanks. I say if you want it, then go back to school it can only help in the long run :)

  3. Wow - so many great things going on. I'm sure that even though it is good stuff it causes some stress. Good luck finishing school and getting ready for your next marathon!!

  4. Wow you are one busy lady:) So many exciting things all at once. I hope you find that perfect job Jen, you have worked hard and deserve it!

    1. Thanks, I hadn't realized it would all hit at once, yikes!

  5. Wow 2 weeks! What an amazing journey. So glad you're feeling better. I'm coming off the classic up all night w/puking child episode. Ugh.

    1. Oh no, that is still something I have yet to experience, sure it will come at some point :(

  6. That is a lot on your plate! We use trauma APNs at my hospital, but their hours are horrible...they take full trauma call like all the doctors. I would not want that job! I work 4 days a week in a job I like but do not find very challenging. It's what I have to do though to have flexibility for family, which is my priority at this time. I guess you can never have everything, you just do the best you can. good luck!

    1. That is the downfall to trauma, when I worked trauma before I only took call from 7-5 so luckily nothing overnight. I have a feeling I will pick something with flexibility for the family aspect too :)

  7. Wow, great job on all your accomplishments.

  8. Wow, you have a lot going on! Happy to hear you're feeling better. My weekend is about an impromptu 50K. I've been totally confident in the run all week and now I'm sitting here wondering what the heck were you thinking. Ugh!

    Have a great weekend Jen!

  9. When it rains, it pours, huh?!

    My gosh. Thinking of you, and wishing you ALL the luck in the next couple of weeks.

    1. Thanks Kate, you're so right it all comes at once doesn't it?


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