5 Things for Friday

1. Summer is here! Finally summer running = sports bra and shorts! Who cares about my abs that need work, I need tan! Time to hydrate, stay cool and play outside. We’re working on our Summer list: playground, swimming, bike rides, relaxing on the deck. I even pushed out of my comfort zone and went barefoot in the grass to run through the sprinkler with O after coming back from a hot, sticky run! (Yep, I am one of those strange people who hates being barefoot, wearing socks right now!).    

2. July 1st will be my comeback day! I have been slacking in not only running, thanks to the leg, but also how I eat. I am making changes already; gave up diet Mt. Dew a couple weeks ago, watching the boredom eating and starting to focus on a lot more core work. I miss my abs! Seriously it is wrong what pregnancy does to one’s tummy, the extra skin in really bugging me lately and that isn’t anything with an easy fix.
After weeks of rehab, ART, strength and whatever other fun therapy my sports chiro decides to try I am feeling much better, I am running pain free even on easy hills, but have yet to try the speed work and am getting antsy! I am hoping my weeks (almost months) of decreased training/rest will be the answer to a strong race season.
There I said it, it is out there for everyone to see! No more soda, dairy, junk eating starting July 1st and I will stick to training plans and make it count while listening to my body!

3. My life is consumed by studying! This is even more intense than the actual school part! You think school is done, but then comes the “real” part and passing boards in order to be able to practice. Yes, I have a job lined up but without board certification that isn’t happening! So forgive me if I seem to disappear at times.
My new friend!
4. Tomorrow is date night! With everything else it is much needed. I am taking Matt out to experience fondue for the first time J Got to love the ease of finding a place that serves gluten free, vegetarian! Of course I waited until late to make a reservation so guess what, we are eating at 4:30! I can’t remember the last time we ate that early, but plenty of time to walk around downtown or along the river post dinner or maybe even an extra glass of wine and still be home in time for my 9pm bedtime! Then in line with July 1st this will be my final big dairy filled meal in a while, time to get that culprit out of my diet again!

5. I feel like I have a newborn again! Bedtime is filled with tears and protest and our only answer has been to sit with her.
I am open to any solutions (okay maybe not true), this has been a few weeks now with a couple good days than a ate dance recital brought it all back L We have tried ignoring it, walking her back every time, letting her lay on the couch with us, locking her door (not a fan of this one, short lived and bad idea). She has even lost TV privileges since Sunday! I am even resorting to bribes and there is ice cream waiting when she can stay in bed. Nap time isn’t much better so I decided this was a losing battle and changed it to “quiet time” in her room with a puzzle, books, etc. and no talk of sleep but still no go, ugh!

Tired, happy girl after a fun dance recital, complete with 30 minute delay as we took  shelter from storms! She even danced, I wasn't sure what to expect but she did great!
Happy Friday! What are your weekend plans? I can’t believe that July is almost here, where has summer gone?


  1. Love your goal #2. Love it. And I too am having a date night/birthday weekend. After my ortho re-eval today, I hope to think more clearly and may join your restart on July 1st.

    Have a great weekend and just try your best to give O what she needs right now, if even in short bits and at inopportune times <3 You both will feel better about the situation.

    1. Hope you get good news today, have a great weekend :)

  2. You are so busy right now! Good luck with all the studying. As for O, so sorry! Those phases are tough!! Fingers crossed that it is a short phase- sometimes there is no magic answer, they just test boundaries for a while and move on. Enjoy your date night!

    1. Oh yes they test boundaries! I hope it is short lived too, she doesn't deal well with her schedule changing and a late dance night messed her up :(

  3. So excited to hear about your come back day! The 3rd and 4th step, after using the 1st and 2nd to realize it doesn't hurt, is an amazing feeling!

    I'm with you on being barefoot! Even in the house. That has added a whole new challenge to transitioning to natural running. A recommendation is to go barefoot as much as possible LOL

    1. I can imagine it is tough to go to natural running! I try and am getting better but I love socks :)

  4. Girl I know what you mean about that pregnancy skin..ugh! I can't seem to get rid of it and my youngest is 5! So glad you are running pain free again! yay!!!! Hate your little princess is having a hard time with bedtime. I wish I had some advice but I don't...I'm blessed with children who sleep great. Good luck! And have a great weekend!

    1. I'm always jealous of people who's kids sleep!

  5. Happy Friday! So excited that Monday is the big day!

    I hate shoes & socks. I could go barefoot everywhere. Except, maybe, for running. LOL!

    Can you do some kind of sticker or reward chart? Have her work towards something really big? Is she overtired? In the meantime, I wouldn't worry too much. When he was 4, little man went through a phase where he came in our bed every night. Mr PugRunner didn't love it, but little man just needed the extra snuggles and comfort for whatever reason, and in a few weeks he was back to his own room. Good luck.

    1. Oh yes, she is overtired! Heck so am I when she is awake at 10:30! We are working towards trip to the zoo on a sticker chart (so far empty :( )

  6. I wear shoes and socks a lot too! One because its easier for my injury and the Dr. recommended it. But also because, well I don't know guess I just like them. The beach or pool being the exception:)
    Impressed you gave up the Mt. Dew, good job! I am a slacker, I haven't kicked my Pepsi habit yet... Maybe soon:) Good luck on Monday! I know how having to stay off running feels when your injured, so I am continually wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

    1. I've cut out Mt Dew a few times but keep going back, it is tough but I know how bad it is for me!

  7. How old is your daughter? My daughter went through a similar stage at about age 3-4, but quickly came out of it. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get through it. It's tough!

    I love summer, so I can be barefoot! :-)

    1. She is 3 1/2 so right the same age, I keep hearing it is a stage and hope it passes quick!

  8. I'm not help with the sleeping, but maybe an extra glass of wine on date night will help?! YAY for comebacks!
    emma @ a mom runs this town

  9. I am the opposite -- I hate wearing shoes! I'm barefoot or in flip flops unless it's FREEZING and I have to wear real shoes.

    love number two -- I'm right there with you and need to get back at it!

  10. My 3 1/2 yr old is doing the same thing... and wow it is exhausting! We've been putting a baby gate in front of his door but it doesn't really help, he just plays for a while then starts hollering for me every half-hour or so. ("Mom, I need another song." Argh...)

  11. I can definitely TELL SUMMER IS HERE!!! Gahhhh it's so hot out!!!!

  12. Glad you are running pain free. Fingers crossed I'll get there again soon. My foot is really being a pain these days. As for sleeping, what works for us is either hubs or I laying on the floor for 15-20 minutes at nap time and bed time. Not ideal but it gets them to sleep and stay in their beds at least. Good luck!

    1. Yep, we have gotten to that point of staying in her room for a short time too, hope to break that habit soon.

  13. Good luck on your boards! I'm sure it will feel great when those are over. This weekend I'm hoping to get in some good time at the pool - it's hard to do much else outside on these hot summer days!

  14. So much going on!! Date night sounds fun - i want to try a fondue sometime!!
    Hopefully your daughter will start sleeping (going to sleep) better soon - that is no fun!!


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