Answers in the Midst of a Crazy Week

I know you have all been on the edge of your seats all weekend waiting on my decision...First thank you to everyone who commented, I think I already knew my answer but it really helps to know how others survived and made the choice. In September I will be going back to work full-time! Yikes, I am excited but nervous at the same time. When I was called with the offer I just felt a sense of calm and happiness, it just seemed right and where I needed to go. This was also the first time in my career life that I've negotiated and it was successful! Like I said I get the rest of the summer off as I go through the credentialing process before I can begin work, so I working down our summer fun list and enjoying the time with O.

  • Beach & Playground 
  • Races/Running with Friends
  • Picnic Lunches
  • Family Bike Rides (of course with ice cream stops)
  • BBQs
  • Drinking Wine on the Deck
  • Making Popsicles & Ice Cream
  • and of course Marathon Training

Nothing too exciting but the things I love about summer. What's on you summer list?

This week is the craziest week of the summer (all year for that matter). Last night was a 4 1/2 hour dance rehearsal where O had all the energy in the world between dances but was that kid on stage doing her own thing (not surprised!). But what was she! There she was in the middle of her tap dance ironically with her stuffed puppy doing down dog. She loves to dance but like everything else it has to be on her time so I'm a little worried about what will occur on Friday! Oh well at least she is 3 and still at the age where this is cute.

I am also considering a 5K trail race tomorrow for fun. But this answer will wait until after my appointment this afternoon with my sports chiro. While the hamstring/piriformis is improving I had to cut my first run short in a long time. On Sunday I quit after just 1 1/2 miles thanks to pain, I finished my workout with 18 Miles on the bike reminding me how sore I get the first time out on the bike. I was able to run yesterday and did an easy run/walk to and from the playground about 7 Miles followed by another 2 Mile walk to retrieve a lost shoe. I'm hoping this was just one bad run thanks to a hilly run Saturday. I will get another ART treatment and we're making a plan for the rest of summer training to get me back. This week marks the start of Marathon Training: 16 weeks until Milwaukee! So I need to get back plus summer has finally arrived and I need to get out to enjoy it.


  1. congratulations on your decision to return to work full-time. I have no doubt that you will work everything out to find that happy place for everyone in the family :) Maybe even think of an addition to the family - and I am not talking about a dog ;) My very best to you Jen <3

    1. Thanks, pretty sure there won't be anymore family members anytime soon including a dog ;)

  2. Congratulations on making a decision! Sometimes that's the hardest part. Looks like you have a very fun summer ahead!

  3. Looks like your summer is off to a great start!
    Congrats on the decision!
    emma @ a mom runs this town . com

  4. Congratulations on your decision! Enjoy your summer :D

  5. Congratulations!

    Sounds like you have a great summer planned! Enjoy it!

  6. Congrats on your decision. I've always worked FT and have 3 kids and a horrible commute, and it's hard sometimes but there are so many benefits. And my kids survive - in fact they thrive. They are happy and loved. Good luck with the transition!

    1. Thanks, I know we will all be fine. Glad to hear things work well for you :)

  7. So glad you were able to feel great about your decision! Congrats!

  8. It's the middle of winter here, but your list is great.

    What about zoo's or animal parks?
    Mini golf?
    Bush walking?

    We always go to the zoo during the holiday's. And a bush walk (it helps we live a stone throws away from an awesome national park).

    Enjoy your summer.

    1. Oh, yes forgot about fishing, boating and the zoo. We talked about mini golf too. What is a bush walk??

  9. I just started my 'official' training for Milwaukee too! I'm not really looking forward to long runs in the summer heat, but I am thrilled its finally warm in MN.

    1. Yay! Got to love summer long runs, not sure which is worse winter or summer training!

  10. Congratulations on your choice! Sounds like you put a lot of thought into it, and have made the right one for your life!


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