Race Prep and Staying Out of My Head

Deep Breath...2 days until my new goal race, let's try this again. Not sure if everything is going to be in my favor to reach the ultimate goal, but I am trying. Heck I think I may even be taking this taper a little too far!

Running has been minimal the past few weeks thanks to the hamstring/piriformis rehab, I've actually taken days off to strictly walk puppy and do core work. The downfall of this is I have too much free time so what do I do? Bake! This week was my mom's birthday so the baking trend began with Pumpkin Spice Cake, then since I had to use the pumpkin I made granola bars and thanks to brown bananas we made berry banana bread yesterday. Carb loading, right?!

As usual I have been stalking the Weather since the 10 Day Forecast came out, it has been back and forth between dry and rain. But then this morning I see this...

Let's hope that isolated means none! But seriously wind, ugh! Well I guess weather is the one thing a runner can't control on race day (or any day) and is the reason not to skip training runs in less than ideal weather.

My extreme Taper has meant lots of rest for the legs and hamstring that is feeling nearly pain free, piriformis only gets angry on hills and this is a flat course so I am hopeful. I haven't even lifted in almost 2 weeks thanks to back pain last week. I am trying to eat right and hydrate and not over think the day but ugh, how can't I?
Today I am heading to get my leg ready with KTape and need to clean out my car in prep for our 4 hour drive. Then time to pack my massive amount of race gear:
  • Clothes: Nike Tempo shorts, ProCompression socks (thinking orange with my team singlet), hat, LS shirt, pants (just in case), Shoes
  • Huma Gel
  • Post race food for drive home
  • Race morning bagel, SunButter, banana
  • Directions to race!!
  • Roller
  • BodyGlide
  • Race Belt
  • iPod: Any new songs you are loving? I just grabbed an iTunes GC thanks to a Target sale, time to buy music
  • Study books: what else is there do to during 8 hours in the car?
  • + all the "normal" travel necessities

I seriously feel like I am forgetting things. Does this happen to anyone else? Every time I travel I think I forget something even when I don't.

It is all about which part wins the argument!
Guess what else I am feeling good about? Enter superstition...my race # is 80. Ever since O was born I love the #8, maybe a little OCD here but will use locker 8, grab 8 pieces of something, etc. Adding to my craziness or a good vibe, who knows...we will find out Sunday!

Don't forget to make your guess on How Fast I will run the marathon. And RaceKred winner is posted...


  1. I ALWAYS feel like I'm forgetting things! But I think you got it all! :D

  2. Best of luck on your race! And berry banana bread sounds just perfect for carb loading :)

    Anda @ http://lovingmondays.blogspot.ca

  3. Have a great race! I bet the extreme taper will pay off!

  4. Good luck on your race, and yay I won!!

  5. Good luck!!! That quote is so me lately!!!

  6. Good luck! At least the temps look pretty good (that's the glass half full girl talking). Hope the wind isn't too much of a problem and the thunderstorm stays completely away.

    1. Temps were the only nice thing about race day weather :(

  7. Good luck!! I hope that it is a great race for you and that you finish happy!!

  8. Good luck, Jen! Can't wait to hear all about it:)

    And I don't know what you think about Daft Punk -- but I'm loving the new song!

    1. Never had time last week, but I am going to check that song out :)

  9. I think the extra tapering can only help you! Best of luck this weekend!!

  10. Best of luck Jen! I hope both the weather and your hamstring behave and you have a great race!

  11. You're going to do great Jen!!! I hope the weather and your injuries cooperate! Good luck!!!

  12. I would so be stalking the weather too!

    Okay, silly newbie question, what is a race belt?

    Good luck!

    1. Race belt has hooks to attach the number, some have pouches too for gels.

  13. good luck tomorrow!!! It's all a mental game now :)

  14. The training is done, go out and enjoy the race.

    10 days out from my half marathon in April I pulled my calf and got one killer cramp. So lots of yoga and foam rolling.
    On the day of the race, I wore my compession leggings. It was going to be warm, and I really didn't want to wear them cause I knew I would get hot, but I also didn't want to risk my calf. On that particular race I just put in my mind, just have fun, and I did, and I got a new pr too.

    As for music, you know what song I'm really loving at the moment I love it by Icona Pop, and the other one is Can't hold us by macklemore & ryan lewis. Great beat and have helped me power through.

    good luck, as for time, not sure I will have to look at some of your other races and let you know.

    1. I love that song too, already on mu iPod! :)

  15. Love the running is... graphic! How did it go? I can't wait to read the recap!

  16. Hope your race went great today! Looking forward to hearing how it all went!!


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