Back at it: Marathon Training

Coffee & macarons
Last week was technically Week 1 of marathon training but I was still in the middle of hamstring recovery and didn’t do what I think of as training. I guess easy days and rest are all part of successful training too, but I have a tough time getting this into my brain! So how did I do? Well I felt lacking but I know this is what I need...

Monday: 3 mile morning walk & 3.5 mile afternoon run
Tuesday: Morning strength & Easy evening Run 5.5 miles
Wednesday: 5 mile run (with stops at playground and grocery store) and planks
Thursday: Morning 3.5 mile run/walk with puppy and O, Evening 4.7 mile run with MRTT group
Friday:  Morning spin and Core/planks, Dance Recital night! 
Saturday: 10.5 Miles with group- hilly!
Sunday: 3.5 mile easy run with puppy and O in BOB then 18 mile bike in afternoon
After days of storms, what a great Sunday afternoon view!

Week 2 and hopefully my final appointment and work on leg (Tuesday), I am feeling better but not 100% yet so another easy week ahead. I am running a half marathon soon and hope to be back full force by then. This week I will also get back to 5am workouts!

Monday: Rest Day! Can you believe it? Morning walk with puppy and day at zoo with O.
Tuesday: Morning spin and strength with trainer, Easy evening Run with group
Wednesday: Morning walk with MRTT & swim (yes I will!)
Thursday: Morning strength and Evening run with MRTT group
Friday:  Morning spin (probably run to/from gym for 3.5 miles)
Saturday: 12-14 mile run (I hope)

Sunday: 20-25 mile bike & strength 

How was your week in training? What are you training for?


  1. I can't wait to finish this RunStreak and get back to longer runs! Your week looked good to me. :)

  2. Training started today for the Brewers Mini Marathon (in Milwaukee) at the end of September - I'm so happy to be training for something again!

    I really like how your easy week would be a good week for me. Then again, you are intense (in a really great way!). Don't stress too much about week 1 not going great - your hamstring needs to get better soon!


  3. Have fun at the zoo today!! I'm not technically training for anything, but I'm still adjusting to this morning heat and humidity. I have a 5k in Sept and a 10-miler in October that I'll start training for soon, but other than that, I'm not doing anything crazy!

  4. After my long run yesterday and a great workout week altogether I fought that I NEED to take a rest day today. Rest day prevailed if you don't count an ab workout. Does it?

    We're on the same training time frame :)

  5. What an awesome week you had girl! Double workouts on some are awesome!

  6. Good luck with your training. I just did the Wipro SF Half Marathon last week and am doing a sprint triathlon on July 28. Next up will be a 10K on Aug 4 and then a half marathon on Oct 6.

    Keli :)

  7. Good luck with your training. I just did the Wipro SF Half Marathon last week and am doing a sprint triathlon on July 28. Next up will be a 10K on Aug 4 and then a half marathon on Oct 6.

    Keli :)

  8. Good luck with your training!!!! I am going to have to join and link up with you in the coming weeks, if my injury recovery and getting back into running works out as I hope it will and things start looking like I might be able to get some marathons in this fall afterall:) (fingers crossed).
    Hope your own recovery keeps going well!!! Happy Monday!

  9. Oh my goodness, back at it already? Wow!!

  10. Great job listening to your body and taking it easier (often harder than pushing!!).

  11. Hamstrings are the worst to deal with. Crossing fingers for you today!

  12. 3.5 miles with the bOB and a dog! Super woman! Training kind of got messed up on vacation but still going!!
    emma @ a mom runs this town . com


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