Picky Bars, Sun and A Little Monkey

Last night I had big ideas and wanted to write then all of a sudden we head home from dance and no electricity! I forget how much we rely on this. I had polenta lasagna all ready to throw in the oven: Nope (guess we grill instead), minimal internet since my phone and iPad both had very little charge, I tried to study but that was short lived as the sun started setting; reading about headaches in minimal light would have surely resulted in my own headache! But it also meant getting rid of O's nightlight (something suggested to combat her sleep issues). Enough of my power outage complaints, instead here are 3 things I am loving for this sunny Thursday...

Picky Bars
A few weeks ago I was sent each flavor of Picky Bars to try, yay! New snacks, what is better? They are designed by athletes and are Dairy and Gluten free and made with natural, organic ingredients with a 4:1 (carb:protein) mix. As a gluten free runner this is huge. But what about taste?

The four flavors were amazing, plus a new flavor: Runner's High is in the works. I can't wait to try this mix of blueberries and vanilla. My favorite was Smooth Caffeinator since I am a coffee junkie: a mix of hazelnuts, coffee and slight cocoa flavor was amazing and best part the caffeine of 1/2 cup of coffee, a great afternoon pick me up! The other flavors weren't far behind: Mega Nuts (Peanut Butter goodness), All in Almond (almond butter and agave, a vegan treat) and The Need for Seed (Honey roasted Sun Butter is amazing as I know you have all heard my obsession with SunButter!).

Being gluten free, vegetarian I am always looking for new snack bars and hate filling my body with processed junk! These are natural, taste great. I am not big on chocolate but these were not overly chocolate, so I guess if you are a chocoholic this isn't good but the rest of us, perfect! I loved that there is a little sweetness, they are sweeter than many of the other nut/seed based bars which is a great change and cured my sweet tooth without anything unhealthy. Have you tried Picky Bars? What flavor was your favorite?

Perfect Running Weather
Check out the scene from last Saturday's run...

It was short lived as we ran in rain yesterday and temps have been back in the low 50s, where is summer?! But I have high hopes it is on the way back soon with sun and 70s on the way. As a runner I am conflicted: I love running in 50s/60s and cloudy but the rest of me would rather live in 80s and sunny! 

My Little Gymnast
Saturday was the end of the year gymnastics show. O began gymnastics when she was 17 months old to wear off some energy and give her a safe place to climb! This winter O moved up to the child only class and has been progressing fast...my independent girl does not want help but is getting frustrated because she can't "flip and flip and flip like the big girls!" Watch out! She is doing her own beam, forward rolls, trampoline jumps and bars. 
My little monkey

What are you loving this Thursday? Don't forget to make your guess on my Marathon Time to win Plus this is the final day to enter to win Race-Kred!


  1. She is so cute! She'll be able to flip and flip and flip soon enough! :)

    1. Thanks :) I know she will, this girl has no fear!

  2. I am loving the weather right now in WA. It's beautiful:) I will send some your way;)

  3. I love 50s/60s and overcast for running as well, but moved to FL for the sunshine! ;) We haven't had much sunshine around these parts lately and we're in the middle of a tropical storm right now...so that really stinks. This Thursday I am loving sleeping in because of the rain (8 am ;) ) and a day to get some household chores done. I might even take myself out for lunch!

    1. Lunch out sounds perfect. Boo on all the rain :(

  4. I've never tried Picky Bars but have heard awesome things about them! Hope the weather gets warmer for you...I agree that 50/60's are perfect for running. But summer you want it warmer so you can play in the sun! Your baby is precious...what a cute little gymnast!!! :-)

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE Picky Bars! Wait until you try the new flavor, Runner's High. I wasn't sure I could love anything without chocolate, but it's amazing!

  6. Your little gymnast is super cute!
    I'm loving today's weather - it was 57 this morning for beach boot camp and now is about 73 - perfect for sitting on the deck blogging!!!

  7. I love electricity and Picky bars, they are both fabulous! :) On this Thursday, I'm just really loving summer, so happy the cold and snow are gone!

    I was in gymnastics, it's still one of my fondest memories from my childhood/teen years.

  8. Mmmm. Those bars sound good, especially the hazelnut one! I'll have to keep an eye out!

    Today, I'm loving that our Tropical Storm is on its way out so we can enjoy our weekend. Hope yours is great!

    1. Hope the storm passes so you can enjoy the weekend :)

  9. I'm an ex-gymnast! Can't wait to get my daughter out there!
    emma @ a mom runs this town

    1. I was a gymnast too (just a few years) it is so much fun to watch her grow in the skills :)

  10. What a cutie! If it's not raining around here it seems weird and off.

    I've never even heard of Picky Bars before. I'll have to look into them.


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