Birthday Challenges: Join my group

Sorry for my absence over the past week but busy as usual and every time I sat down to write something got in the way! The past few days I've been thinking about turning 1 year older and crossing that hump to being closer to 40 than 30 (1 week, yikes!). For me birthdays are more the time to look back on the year than New Year's, so here I am looking back on a year of huge changes and figuring out what I want for the year ahead. I love doing fun, active things to celebrate like running 200+ mile relays, biking wine tours, etc.
My first thought as I drove to work yesterday was sharing with everyone else the thing I enjoy most, so why not hold a week long Healthy Lifestyle Challenge? A couple weeks ago I hosted a 7 day clean eating challenge that was a great success. This one is going to be broader, incorporating my favorite exercises, healthy eating tips and fun all while supporting each other. I mean aren't birthdays one of the toughest times to stay healthy? I tend to indulge as I eat out to celebrate, have some wine and enjoy dessert.

So who is with me? This group will have two components: 1) a closed FB group for those interested and committing to posting daily (anything simple as "did it" to sharing advice), interacting with others and increased resources. 2) open access to all challenges on my Facebook Page so make sure you are following me Marathon Mom

What's next? Sign up here 7 Day Birthday Challenge the group begins Monday Aug 18th! Sorry this is slightly last minute. Best part, the group is FREE!

What is your idea of a perfect birthday celebration?


  1. Happy Birthday hope you have a great day :)
    Confessions of A Mother Runner

  2. If hubby sends me to the spa then I am HAPPY with my birthday. :-) This challenge sounds like fun - I just may join you.


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