Week 7 and more unexpected changes

What a week! Week 6 started great but proved to end challenging! More on that still ongoing saga later but let’s just say it involved hours in the ER, strange results and missing answers.

Monday: 4.5 mile run (35:24) & 21Day Fix 10 Min Abs in morning & Strength in afternoon
Tuesday: Piyo Buns. Evening run 6 miles last minute work event
Wednesday: 8 mile run in morning and P90X3 Upper/Lower
Thursday: Piyo Core and 6 miles hills in evening
Friday: Walk with puppy, 21DF pilates in morning and P90X3 upper & yoga
Saturday: Run half marathon and 21 Day Fix Yoga Failed run and ER visit
Sunday: Bike and Piyo Drench 7 mile run walk and PiYo Core

I am putting last week behind me and refocus on me. This is the week of the 7 Day healthy eating group so that will be on top of my list daily. Healthy eating this week, listening to my body and getting fully healthy.

Monday: Strength and walk
Tuesday: PiYo Core and run
Wednesday: Bike and P90X3 Upper/Lower
Thursday: Piyo Core and 8 miles hills in evening
Friday: P90X3 upper & yoga
Saturday: 16-18 miles and strength
Sunday: Bike and PiYo Core

I’m really being thrown out of my training mode this summer and having to accept that things are not going as planned. Time to breathe deep and accept that I need to deal with yet another bump in the road to marathon #26. How do you deal with set backs?  


  1. Wow- busy workout week! What a great mix of strength and running! But I'm sorry that there was another bump in the road. I'm wondering how this next cycle will go for me. I need to be extra careful to build back slowly and listen to my body, which can be hard to do!

  2. Everyone is so into PiYo now. I just got the core dvd and looking forward to checking it out. My runs aren't going exactly as planned either. A couple little injuries have me taking a little more time off of running and doing more biking. Do you take any rest days??
    Confessions of A Mother Runner

  3. So sorry you are dealing with another bump in the road! I hope you get answers soon!


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