Marathon Monday and Challenge Week

Week 8: How the heck did it get to be mid August? Finally in the midst of what I am used to for marathon training!

21 Day Fix Upper/Lower & 5K MRTT Run
Tuesday: Piyo Core. Evening run 6 mile hill run
Wednesday: Piyo Drench, Weight lift at gym and 30 min elliptical
Thursday: 8 miles with running friends. Piyo Core
Friday: 21 Day Fix Upper & 10 Min Abs, 4 mile run/walk to get O from preschool
Saturday: Work! 3 mile walk & Piyo Core
Sunday: 18.5 miles (2:43:14) follow by 21 Day Fix Yoga

Week 9: Another crazy, busy week could mean lower training and more off days.

Strength in afternoon
Tuesday: Piyo Buns. Evening run 6-8 miles
Wednesday: P90X3 Upper/Lower
Thursday: Run 8 miles and Piyo Core
Friday: Bike & weights. P90X3 Yoga
Saturday: 20 mile run
Sunday: Work! Piyo Drench

Tell me about your best workout last week, goals for this week?

Today is the first day of my birthday week challenge, make sure to follow on my Facebook page for the daily posts or join the group for more support and challenges. Come back tomorrow of a giveaway!


  1. Ironically, my best workout last week was a 10 mile run on the treadmill. It was a perfectly nice day to run outside, but I wanted to do an all downhill run, since I was training for an all downhill race.


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