Running to mental clarity & honoring your accomplishments: Race-Kred Giveaway

Runner distance shoe lace charms.  Cover your laces with your races!
Right before I ran my last marathon I was excited to receive my 26.2 shoe tag in the mail from Race-Kred, as unlikely as I knew I was hoping to have this to remember a new PR!. Not the case but still proud to show off my accomplishments of how far I have come from the 1st miles I ran back in 2002 and now soon to be my 22nd marathon. The charm is cute and so lightweight. I even thought it would make a cute necklace or bracelet. What a fun way to acknowledge and be proud of your accomplishments, everything from 5K to Ultras and even Ironman (someday!). What running accomplishment would you show off?

This year has been tough for running on me with injury and lacking the times I am hoping it honestly helps to know where I started and everything I achieved to this point. The past few weeks have been the toughest, nice weather finally but poor runs and making myself back off. I'm happy to be running pain free again with the help of frequent appointments for ART, cold laser and regular K-Tape but I am still just running easy (too easy for what I like!). I'm trying to regain the love of the sport before I begin the intense training again. I have even run "naked" a lot lately: no iPod, no Garmin: just me and the outdoors (well and sometimes a dog and kid!). Is there anything more wonderful then the rhythm of your feet on the ground combined with the sounds of nature? What better way to enjoy the run and clear your head, and believe me with all the studying and job decisions I have plenty swimming around in my brain lately! Does running help you make important decisions?
Want to win your own Race-Kred? Remember your great accomplishments to help push through those tough days!


  1. Hang in there Jen!!! I love my Race-Kred!!!

  2. I would want the 26.2 because I ran my first marathon on May 4th.

  3. I would definitely want the 26.2 as well because I just finished my first marathon last weekend!

  4. I'd choose 13.1 but 26.2 is tempting to put up until December! :-)

  5. I'd be able to claim the 5K and the 13.1

  6. Hmm, I can't decide. 13.1 is my fav distance, but I'm proud of doing my first 26.2 in January.

  7. I feel ya, I am also trying to get back into running. its hard with injuries.

    1. So true! Injuries are terrible to runners, ugh!

  8. Super cute! It's frustrating that it hasn't been the year you'd like... hopefully everything you're doing now will do the trick!

    1. Thanks Laura, I feel like things are finally improving :)

  9. Glad to hear your are running pain free now!!! If I sported one it would be 26.2 all the way:)

  10. I don't know what it is about running, but I find it's a great way to get clarity when my mind is all jumbled. I get great idea's for things, I solve problems, so yeah, I run.

    love the colour of your shoes too btw.

  11. Hoping that the path you are on now will leas you to success! Cute shoe bling too!

  12. Love these little beauties! I have done 2 maras and 17 happier with the maybe i would do the 13.1....eek that is a hard decision

  13. I would want ULTRA race cred. My year is all about distance and I'm determined to see just how far I can run :)

  14. I've done quite a few half marathons, so I'd love the 13.1 one!

  15. 13.1! I've now done 3 half marathons and am registered for 2 more this year and possibly 1 more.

  16. 13.1 because i'm finishing my first half this year! (:

  17. 13.1 - it is my favorite race distance

  18. I've only done 13.1 but training for 26.2 and running it in October! This would be a great reward. :)


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