Fun Facts: ABCs

I am finally catching up on these fun posts and apologize to those who tagged me and I ignored. Here it is, a fun list of me....

A. Attached or Single I sure this is obvious as I talk about my hubby (Matt). We have been married 11 years and together 15 years, wow! Guess we met when we were 10!
Tough guy after a tri!
B. Best Friend I feel like this is a junior high question! I have friends in every aspect of my life and one I consider my closest friend.
College roommate and I even had babies at the same time!
C. Cake or Pie Pumpkin Pie all the way!

D. Day of Choice Saturday I think. Nothing better than starting with a race or long run, coming home and relaxing with coffee.

E. Essential Item I don’t go anywhere without chapstick and a bottle of water (and snacks)

F. Favorite color Purple! Yes, I am a huge fan of the Purple One J

G. Gummy bears or worms Neither, not a huge candy fan. If I do I’ll take candy corn with peanuts

H. Hometown Minnesota

I. Favorite Indulgence Red wine J I love a great pinot or cab to relax after a crazy day!

J. January or July I hate winter but O is a January baby and we always travel that month, but I love July for the heat and being outside daily.

K. Kids O is crazy, active, compassionate little girl who is 3 going on 13! And my furbaby Morgan is almost 8 J

L. Life isn’t complete without A run, good coffee and a hub from my baby girl.

M. Marriage date April 13, 2002 J Not superstitious on the 13th obviously.

N. Number of brothers/sisters 0, only child here, part of the reason I think twice about making O an only child, I wasn’t thrilled with being an only myself

O. Oranges or Apples Both, I love oranges in winter but apples are pretty much a daily food the rest of the year.

P. Phobias Bugs!! I barely made it through college biology when we had to look at bugs under the microscope, I get physically ill and can’t even look at pictures.

Q. Quotes “Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them it what makes life meaningful.” Joshua J. Marine
"Life without stress would be an exercise in boredom."
and a million more…

R. Reasons to smile Right now a lot: passing boards, my upcoming new job, the little girl cuddling next to me on the couch, running with mommy friends tomorrow…

S. Season of choice Spring because I know summer is on the way and winter is the furthest away, I hate winter!

T. Tag 5 People. I’ll leave this open to anyone

U. Unknown fact about me this is tough what is unknown? I have 3 tattoos and want another, I have not eaten red meat in 20 years, chocolate (even the smell) makes me ill, 
Tattoo #3 right after it was done in May 2012: a robin for my grandmother sitting in an O. (sorry about the pic, this was literally seconds after he finished)
V. Vegetable Raw carrots, snow peas, beets, cauliflower, kale…should I keep going?! Really any veggie except parsnip or Brussel sprouts, yuck!

W. Worst habit I am a perfectionist, have you figured that out yet? Even worse I sometimes push this on my daughter which I am working on really hard!

X. Xray or Ultrasound Huh, which do I prefer? I’ve had way too many to count (of both) and the only good one(s) were when I was pregnant with O J

Y. Your favorite food Only 1? Sweet potatoes with chipotle hummus, watermelon, berries, veggie pizza.

Z. Zodiac sign Leo, yes I am that strong, powerful Lion!

Anything you were surprised to learn?
Pick one letter and answer it yourself in the comments below.


  1. Love reading these posts!
    I like your robin tattoo!!

  2. Love learning more about you Jen! And I'm a perfectionist too!

    1. It is a benefit but also hurts us at times too :)

  3. I don't go anywhere without chapstick, water and snacks either!

    1. Glad I'm not alone! It always seems if I don't have the stuff I need it so much more

  4. I like your post. And I am married to a leo

  5. Luv reading these kind of surveys. Pumpkin pie is also a favorite of mine.

    1. The only bad thing of pumpkin pie is it is tougher to find year round!

  6. i see the tat! love it.

    1. Thanks :) Not sure I have a close up of the low back one or my ankle, might have to take some pictures.


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