Going out of my comfort zone with a 5K workout! And a Giveaway

I am normally someone who loves distance, I actually enjoy running marathons and the long training runs involved, I know crazy! Don't worry I'm not going to stop marathon training I just plan to add in some short, fast speed work for a few weeks.

One of my goals this year is the run a sub 20:00 5K and a sub 42:00 10K (last 10K I ran was 2008 with a time of 45:xx so I have no doubt I can PR). While I love speedwork: 1/2 to 1 Mile repeats I cringe at anything less. Last summer I ran 100m to 1/4 Mile repeats with friends but never ran a short race after. This summer I will! Here is my plan...

Between now and September I have 4 short races (and 1-2 more I am considering) Two 5Ks, One 3.7 Mile  and One 10K. Also thinking of an 8K. One of the 5Ks and the 10K are Esprit de She races and I am thrilled. I recently was given the opportunity to be an ambassador for the race allowing me to also run the 5K. I am excited about the race, after party activities and hanging with friends and members of MRTT group but not thrilled that it is at night. Thanks to Esprit de She and Athleta I am giving away a visor to help you get through a hot summer workout. Enter below...

Am I the only one who has a tough time with hard workouts or races at night? It seems no matter what I eat or do throughout the day it is tough. I'd rather get up and run at 5am. Are you running Esprit de She? Good luck everyone racing for the 4th of July and have a safe holiday weekend.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I prefer the half over all races. Love the length, makes me feel like I really did something and I have a love/hate with my PR for the 5K right now!!

  2. I need to do more speed work. That looks like a great plan!

  3. I love the half marathon distance, it's my favorite!

  4. I really love 13.1 as my distance. I think I'm gonna try this speed work plan for my speed work this week :D

  5. I've only raced 5k's and a marathon. I really want to do some halfs, I think they would be my favorite.

  6. Half marathons give me the biggest sense of accomplishment. But I also love being able to sign up for 5K at the last minute and just go out and have a fun race.

  7. The longest race I've completed is a half marathon and I feel so accomplished after I do! I would love to run a full someday, maybe next year! :)

  8. I really need to incorporate more speed work in my life...I just LOVE to run long! My favorite distance is the half marathon!

  9. I've been enjoying the 5k, but I have ran a half and am working up to a 21 mile run at the end of October. So, get back to me on November 1st. LOL

  10. My favorite distance to race is the half marathon. I am training for my first full marathon! I am so excited! Leah F.

  11. Good for you! A sub 20 5k is awesome and I know you will do it:) I have never done a night race, but have one coming up in August. Should be interesting.

  12. My favorite distance is the half marathon. :)

  13. I love running half marathons!

  14. Half marathon is now my favorite distance!

  15. Guess my fave right now would be a half

  16. My fave distance is a half marathon. My current goal is to run a sub 30 5k. Sub 20 is crazy fast!! That's awesome!

  17. So far my fav distance is a half marathon! Running my first marathon in the fall so maybe that will change??

  18. half! but I also do quite a few 5ks

  19. I prefer the half marathon. It's still a tough distance but not long enough that the training consumes your life!

  20. The easiest distance to race is a half for me. Involves little to no training. The most enjoyable, however is a marathon or 50K. The longer I go, the more I love it. :)

  21. I love the 10k race. I'm in my groove and just starting to tire.

  22. Right now I am most comfortable running a 5K. Haven't ran any race much farther than that.

  23. I love the half distance and the 10-miler. Its just enough to be a challenge, but not so painful that I destroy my legs.

  24. I've only done 5k's so far but I am working my way up to a 10k this September!

  25. Probably 15k or half...long enough to be challenging and not too hard of a recovery and feasible for training. I will tackle a full again when my kids are a little older.

  26. I love the half distance -- with my ankle I'm scared I won't be doing them well anytime soon, but I know I'll get back there one day!

  27. I just did the EDS in Denver, but I think my favorite race distance would have to be the Half Marathon. The full was really time consuming with the training, but a half is just right!

  28. I'm into 4-milers and 10k's right now...always subject to change!

  29. halves are my fave. but I still want a full. someday.

  30. My favorite distance is the half marathon but I love training for fulls if only because I have an amazing group that I run with and I look forward to our Saturday long runs every week!


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