Marathon Weekly Updates

Coffee & macarons
Week 6 meant more morning workouts and much cooler weather. I failed to get in a swim this week and once again slept through Tuesday spin! The week went pretty well and I am extending the time between treatments on my leg which is great news but I am still rethinking Fall goals and what I hope to accomplish. This weekend the temps barely reached about 60, it was perfect for long runs but a big shock to the system after the heat!

Monday: 4.5 mile run 37:01 (including 2 min cool down walk) back to morning workouts!J Had to try out my new shoes on the TM. Core/pilates
Tuesday: Strength with trainer. Evening 6 mile run coaching
Wednesday: Early 5 mile run with hills (42:01) and 2 mile walk to playground/store
Thursday: Morning run/walk to/from playground 7 miles and evening 5K race (21:59)
Friday: Spin class and core/strength
Saturday: 20.3 mile long run (2:48:00) and it felt decent, pain free but I rolled like a crazy woman after!
Sunday: Recovery run 4.7 miles, then 0.3 mile walk while O ran and core/strength. Evening 2 mile walk to store.

Week 7 means almost halfway through and speedwork is still lacking L I will be forced to take 2 complete rest days (Friday and Saturday and an easier Sunday) thanks to a procedure on Friday so the start of the week will be packed with workouts and may even look like I’m overdoing it but I plan to fatigue my body and push hard knowing those rest days are ahead.

Monday: Failed at morning workout L Possibly a swim later and evening run with friends
Tuesday: Spin in am and Strength with trainer. Evening run coaching
Wednesday: Early run (attempting intervals) and Morning walk with mommy friends Yoga with O
Thursday: Morning pilates and Strength and evening run with friends
Friday: Forced rest due to having a procedure done this day
Saturday: Walking at Matt’s triathlon, but forced no “real” workout
Sunday: Run and easy strength if feeling okay. I am considering an inversion yoga class that starts today

As I’m sure anyone reading this blog for a while now has figured out I don’t rest well! How do you deal with forced rest days? I guess I can take my forced days to do some house cleaning and prepare for a late summer garage sale.


  1. Great long run this week!! Forced rest days are annoying, especially if they're ones when I'm not actually injured. Sometimes I have "forced" rest days merely because I have sooo much going on. Those are the worst. I guess it's better than being hurt though. Good luck with your training this week.

  2. I like scheduled rest days that are part of my training plan. I think it allows me to push harder on training days knowing that my body will have some recovery time.

  3. 60 degrees??? I am so jealous!!! Great training Jen! Definitely take those rest days though! You know how good they are for you! ;-)

    1. 60 was the high! I love it for running but not the rest of the day.

  4. I'm so jealous that your temps are in the 60s! I'm in Las Vegas and we're still in the 100s.

    1. I won't do anything over 80 degrees!! Good luck with your procedure!
      emma @ a mom runs this town . com

    2. Thanks Emma. No tough runs for me over 80 for sure!

  5. you know what is good for rest days, active recovery. Like walking, or yoga or pilates.
    I know you might hate the rest days, but you'll juts wear down your body and you don't want to have an injury right before an event. That is no fun.

    1. I usually take my rest days as active with walks and pilates or swimming but these will be complete rest!


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