Running through flames! Torchlight 5K

It is the middle of July, the hottest week of the year, and for some reason I along with thousands of other thought it would be a fun idea to run a 5K in the evening. Most run for the fun and post-race gluten filled beer, me because it seems to be a tradition and Matt enjoys my beer.

We are in the midst of the first long hot, humid stretch and this was no exception…
Pre-race temperatures!
The past two years I have run this race as part of the USATF team circuit as this is the 5K championship race. The team perk includes front start and gear check, while I never expect a top finish it is fun to be included with the big names in running and elite runners. I lined up with some of my teammates and a couple Team USA runners (who were “just taking it easy”) and we discussed how low our expectations were in this heat. And we were off…
Flames were not needed here!
The race starts along the parade route through downtown so this is the most spectators ever at a 5K! Immediately it was hot, so I just pushed myself to a comfortable tough pace. I had purposely left my watch in my bag to not focus on time. Mile 1 feeling pretty good and decide to push a little more as we turn into a slight breeze, nice! We leave the parade route and turn to find Mile 2 and I broke the limit, my hamstring is still okay!

Past mile 2 and I see a woman with two young kids watching, noise makers in hands but quit as can be. One starts making noise and the woman stops her, “not yet, only cheer when you see daddy.” What? Why not cheer for everyone, why not make noise outside? Ugh. Maybe just me, but this bothered me. O frequently comes to races and cheers for everyone; high 5s, cheers, bell ringing. Anything to encourage all runners not just Matt, grandpa and myself. Why would I teach her anything else?

Around the corner and pass the water stop, a quick sip and water over my head was perfect J A little uphill to reach the bridge before the finish line. There is Mile 3, but wait we are still in the middle of the bridge and need to make a turn, way too early! And I turn as a teen girl next to me leaves her pre-race dinner on the bridge L The man running next to me (slightly older than me) “oh to be young and stupid, wait now we’re just older and stupid!” Right, I mean what smart person decides to race in nearly 100 degrees and humidity?

We are off the bridge but time to slow to the finish, kind of stupid, the course is now on uneven cobblestone and the last thing I need is to make my leg worse. Finally I see the finish! And the time is better than expected J 23:03 7:27 pace, I can’t complain when I was thinking closer to 24/25:00 due to the heat and leg (not a great idea to have the leg worked on with ART right before a race). I have a tough time with evening races and eating right although this year’s sweet potato went better than last year’s pre-race salad, yep bad idea!

Post-race with friends
I met up with some of the team and we all ran much slower than normal but were okay with it. I met Matt and some friends to hang out for awhile before our 2 mile walk back to the car. Fingers crossed this weather cools a bit before my next evening race on Thursday!

Don't forget about my 5K entry giveaway


  1. My fingers are crossed! Evening and morning! You can't get away from the humidity!

    Jen, do you like running evening races? I feel just slightly off when I race in the evening.

    1. No! Not at all a fan of evening races, tough to eat and I just feel tired from the day. Plus I train in the morning so it just feels wrong!

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome race despite the heat! Great job Jen! I can't believe that Mom wouldn't let her child cheer for everyone!!! That makes me mad! :-(

    1. I know, why not encourage your kids to cheer everyone on? Or just let them make noise outside!

  3. What was up with that Mom?? That is really, really bizarre! I've never done an evening race but there is one coming up in August. Might give it a try now that I was given the OK to run again!

    1. Glad you are cleared to run again! I know I was irritated with the mom, if it hadn't been a race I would have stopped and asked what her issue was.

  4. Fun! Good for you for racing in this heat! This is my first year in like five years not running Torchlight -- kind of missed it!

    1. Every year I complain and then I run again, t was a tough one this year int he heat :)

  5. Now that's a good race when you see someone puke ;)
    emma @ a mom runs this town . com

    1. hahaha, it's been awhile since I've seen it right next to me!

  6. That temp is way to high for me! You're quite a trooper!

    Okay, that is just weird about the lady only cheering for her husband and hushing her kids. How boring and frankly, rude, is that?

    1. It was a hot day, I prefer much cooler!

      I know, it was strange and not teaching the kids anything good :(

  7. Nice work! It's crazy how hard it is to run through the heat. I'm okay with never "racing" in the summer again... but runs like this with friends are always fun!

    1. It is fun to run these with friends but racing in this not so much!


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