Marathon Weekly: Taper Time!

Coffee & macarons
Week 15 and the peak of marathon training! I loved this week for that but it was also the week of pure craziness and new beginnings. As I have mentioned before Morgan was diagnosed with osteosarcoma earlier this month, we met with the oncology vet on Monday and as Morgan underwent a bone biopsy on Tuesday we found out the damage was extensive leading to a fast forward on amputation by 10 days. SO Wednesday he became a 3 legged pup, but is doing great (follow his journey at Morgan Runs). He came one Thursday night, meaning lack of sleep and a long Friday that ended in a sick kiddo who I finally brought in on Sunday and O has strep!

Monday: Morning run with a new running friend 7.5 miles and afternoon run/walk with Matt 5 miles strength with trainer
Tuesday: Evening run coaching 6 miles hills
Wednesday: Strength and 30 min elliptical
Thursday: Morning intervals 6.5 miles 45:00 Afternoon run (break between work and meeting) 4.25 miles speedwork
Friday: Strength
Saturday: 22.25 miles 3:16:21
Sunday: 5.5 mile easy recovery run ½ mile walk with Morgan and yoga

Week 16 and taper time! Watch out, I seriously hate this time, give me high mileage any day.

Monday: Early work day so afternoon stength
Tuesday: Spin in morning and Evening run coaching
Wednesday: Morning run, Strength with trainer
Thursday: Morning spin and evening run
Friday: Strength
Saturday: 10K Race + 10 miles on own
Sunday: Volunteer at TCM Medical Tent, so I hope I don’t see anyone I know!

How was your week? 


  1. Crazy week 15!! So not a fan of the taper. A necessary evil!

  2. Yay Morgan! 3-legged pups are the best. I am pulling for you, little guy!

  3. Oh you've had a rough week girl with your sweet dog and sweet baby! Great job with your training. And yes taper week is no fun! But you can do it!

  4. Glad Morgan did well! Can't believe it's taper time already. I always look forward to it but then go crazy once I'm in the middle of it!

  5. So sorry for your puppy but glad he's doing well! He's a lucky dog to have such a great family!

  6. Tapering is hard, but as we know a necessity! Good luck on the upcoming marathon!!

  7. Hope your fur baby is back to running with you soon. :( So hard when they are sick.

  8. Great training! Sorry about you pup becoming a tri-pawed. He looks just like mine! Hope he gets better soon.

  9. Way to keep up with your training during sickness and puppy issues! I hope Morgan heals up quickly from the surgery :) Hugs!

  10. Way to go girl! :) Awesome job on your training! :)


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