Staying on track with healthy eating post marathon

I know I’ve said it many times but I have a slight obsession with fall foods: pumpkin, apples, squash, etc. and love the winter comfort foods of chili, soups, ciders, etc. Combine this post-marathon and less training and I tend to eat less healthy, indulge more and feel more sluggish come fall/winter. This year I am not letting this happen! Does anyone else feel this way?

This weekend is my marathon and I’m allowing myself a week of recovery, indulging, wine tasting and fun but then I’m holding myself accountable for healthy eating including no Halloween candy. I decided to extend this to others who want to join me for this accountability. I’m opening a FREE 7 Day Healthy Halloween Eating Challenge group beginning October 23rd.

Do you need to…
Get back on track or stay on track with healthy eating?
Figure out easier ways to make comfort foods?
Limit the indulgences?
Get your family into healthy eating?

Do you want accountability and support of others on this journey? Join us on this 1 week real food eating challenge. Take a week to give up refined sugars, refined carbs, increase water intake and healthy carbs, fruits, veggies. There will be options for vegan plans too!

Fill out your info Here and I’ll get you added to the group next week. Also feel free to post questions in comments or email me

I'm ready to get started and stay on track as winter arrives, I'm brainstorming ways to make this a recurrent group throughout winter if there is interest.


  1. Sounds like a great challenge Jen! Halloween candy is my enemy!!!

    1. Candy corn and I can not be in the same room!!


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