Birthday Fun

I will get back to running talk soon, don't worry! But as a mom your kid's birthday takes center stage for a few days.

Like I posted O turned 6 on Thursday and it hasn't stopped yet! 

Thursday night we took O to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner after gymnastics , Frozen balloon waiting. After dinner they offered ice cream but she can't have dairy so they offered a fruit plate for dessert. Then we had fun reading the cards written by some of here classmates. Kind of fun reading (and interpreting 5/6yo writing and spelling! Then the one and only present this slacker mom had time to wrap (in a Target bag!) cruise ship Friends Legos

Saturday she was off to a friend's party then gymnastics and her family party at home. I once again forgot that I don't have an angel food cake pan and made two fallen loaves of cake, oops!

Sunday was friends party! To fit it all in I was out running at 6:15, 18 miles done by 9am and on to party prep. 11 of her friends joined us for a princess party complete with a visit from Elsa! She helped them all make crowns, painted nails and relax to watch a little Frozen before cupcakes and presents. What a fun day and so great to spend it with so many friends.

But afterwards it changed, about 1 hour later she crashed saying she just wanted to lay on the couch and not eat dinner! She is always hungry! I knew things weren't right, yep fever 102.9F. Poor kiddo, after dinner, which she slept through, we cuddled on the couch and watched a little Cupcake Wars before an early bedtime.

Have a great day! I can't believe it is now February!


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