Weekly Training Recap- 2 weeks to go

A little late to the game after a few skipped weeks but with 2 weeks to go I’m back with my weekly training posts. Seriously 2 weeks to go until marathon #29,the race I have a as a big goal, the race that weather and sickness got in the way of great training. Oh well, we will see how it goes. I’m treating this as my first noninjured marathon training and from this can base future goals and training.

After a week of being forced to rest due to respiratory infection I have been back and can’t really remember my past week of workouts! Somehow with missing that big week I'm also missing the taper madness! Maybe it is something, no big run= no taper madness? 

This weekend was fun watching the Olympic trials marathon. Who else watched?

I’m thrilled with my 16 miler on Saturday (forced on the treadmill thanks to -20 windchill). I managed 16 miles at avg 7:50 pace!! The best part it felt great, I managed to breath despite the cough still lingering and kicking my butt after I run. And remember the stupid knee cyst? Well it too is back and bigger than ever. I’m remembering the last time I had it drained and trying to figure out the best option to not interfere with the marathon.

Monday: Shoulder and 8 mile with 6 tempo evening
Tuesday: Off work! Arms/Legs/Core and Kickboxing
Wednesday: 6 miles with speed intervals and Back
Thursday: 3-4 mile easy run and core
Friday: Arms/Shoulders
Saturday:10 mile run and yoga
Sunday: Chest/Back/Core

How was your week? What’s the goal for this week? 


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