Merry Christmas

Someone was very excited to see Santa Claus after waiting all morning through our run. I'm not sure she actually told him what she wanted but did discuss her upcoming vacation to Costa Rica and how she is soon to be 3 years old. I think there may have been talk of pancakes too since it was Santa breakfast!

I can honestly say this has been the funnest Christmas so far, I love seeing the excitement of it all through a my child, although I did go a little overboard on gifts because I knew she'd "like that too"! She is easy to please: the best response last night was to a purple hair bow from her aunt: "I so love it!"

Santa busily finished wrapping presents at 5am and now we wait. After a fun holiday season of Santa breakfast, crafts, cookies, seeing the Grinch at the Children's Theater and making homemade gifts I am ready for the big finish :)

Hoping the weather warms from -2f (-17 windchill) so I can meet a friend for a run this morning before embarking of lasagna and pie making craziness! Hope everyone has a great holiday with time for family and friends, good food and fitness.

Merry Christmas


  1. Have a terrific Christmas! I love how the little ones get so excited and it doesn't have to be the big grand gift we think. Have a lovely day and hopefully a great run!

    1. Thanks, the day was god :) Little ones help us to see the true meaning of the day.


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