Running in the Snow

My trails, what a beautiful run!
As of yesterday morning we are officially in full winter mode. My plans called for 12-14 miles but when I woke up to nearly a foot of snow and more continuing to fall I rethought my options. I attempted the treadmill in hopes of breaking my run in half, I made it through 1 hour on the treadmill (barely) when Matt told me it was slippery outside. I tried to continue but got fed up and headed outside to take my chances. I sunk in to ankle deep snow but decided it was much better than the walls inside.

14 miles total with the last 6.5 miles slow but very peaceful out is the falling snow. The best part was being told by a man shoveling "Wow, you are dedicated!"

Running in fresh snow will be easier and safer than packed snow but still be looking for packs, holes or ruts that may be hidden. Snow running will work stabilizer muscles and is a great workout but tougher so don't be worried if you have to cut back a couple miles. Snow can give resistance and speeding through deep snow is a great workout.

Running in the Snow
  • Keep your feet dry with good socks (I love a combination of Pro Compression socks and Smart Wool) 
  • Put Duct Tape over shoe mesh to keep water and snow out
  • Watch your footing and the ground conditions for hidden ice and puddles, nothing worse than breaking through and ending up standing in frozen slush!
  • Start slow and know that your pace will be slower as you navigate the ground, don't be afraid to walk over bad areas
  • Start with lower distance and give your body time to get used to the uneven ground, this places extra work on ankles, knees and hips and too much can cause problems
  • If you need to run on the road know it will be narrower from the snow piles: watch corners so yo aren't hidden to cars and stay on the side against traffic
  • Shorten your stride and keep feet low to the ground to prevent slipping
  • Grab friends and make it fun
  • If it is windy or blowing snow wear a face mask and/or glasses


  1. That looks awesome. I am not a fan of cold and snow except when it is first fallen and I am out in it alone and it has that silence about it.

    I have Brooks ghost GTX shoes and they are good for wet weather.

    1. I'm with you, yesterday gave me my fill of winter and snow, now it can leave!

  2. That looks so beautiful! I used to live in MInnesota - but don't get snow like that in the Willamette Valley so I miss it!

    1. I can send some snow your way, we have plenty to go around!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, snowy running can be fun if well planned :)

  4. I do LOVE running in snow. Something about the peacefulness of snow makes it an incredible run. I have yaktrax that get me through a lot of iffy snowy runs. They are great for packed snow. HATE freezing rain.

    1. Freezing rain is the worst! It is so peaceful and just feels serene :)

  5. Those are incredible pictures. I haven't run in the snow in many years, but it can be so peaceful. And can leave you very sore! It's definitely harder.

  6. Beautiful! Running outside with the snow falling is fun, but with almost a foot on the ground, that's a different story. lol

  7. My whole family lives in MN and I heard about the snow! Way to get after it and awesome tips!

    1. We got hit big, no choice other than to just accept it right?!

  8. I cannot imagine running in the snow! Eek! I just opt to not run in the winter.. ;) Looks like you have it down!
    GGS <3

    1. I used to be the same way, but started running with others who forced me out in the cold, now I kind of enjoy it!

  9. I've never ran in the snow, but I'm looking forward to it! We'll probably get snow pretty soon. Good to know about putting tape over the mesh in shoes, I never even thought about that!

    1. It is fun as long as your feet are warm and try, enjoy the snowy runs :)

  10. Beautiful! Running in snow is so peaceful and otherworldly. It brings back memories of training for Boston for me. So far this season we've had nada. Kind of disappointing but I'm not complaining. I love a trail shoe for snow!

    1. I keep hearing trail shoes work great, might have to see if I can find something that works for me.

  11. Your pictures are great. It looks very peaceful. Thank you for all of the tips!


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