Running in 2012

Best Race Experience: This may be odd but my best race was Boston Marathon Yes it was hot and tough but I was happy to be running after a stress fracture had me out last spring. It was such a different experience than 2011 where I PR'd and missed a lot of the course excitement, this year I soaked it all in, had fun with the crowds and just ran what felt good. I was happy to be running pain free. And who isn't happy to be running Boston?! 
Me with the pink legs!
Best Run: 2012 was a year of tough running, but I had many fun experiences. I spent many of my winter runs with new running friends pushing me and encouraging me to take on new adventures and enjoyed running with friends who have decided to embark on the running journey too. One run that sticks in my mind was my 1st leg at Ragnar Northwest Passage I felt great, the weather was perfect and I was running better than I expected passing the speedy guys and loving every minute.

Worst Race Experience: This is a toss up between Minneapolis Marathon or Med City Half but think I will pick Med City, it was hot, humid and my calf was hurting. I had originally planned to run the full marathon but decided to go with the half which was bad enough. I ran my worst time since running halfs pregnant. 

Best New Piece of Gear: My compression socks, after a calf injury in the winter I decided to give them a shot and was immediately hooked. Now I am even happier to discover they help keep my feet warm in the winter too. Love my ProCompression!

Best Piece of Advice: My trainer has told me many times to stop convincing myself I need to back down. I have a bad habit of backing down when something gets tough and settling into an easier workout. Looking back this is so obvious but it took someone else saying this to make me see it. It is hard to see how much of a mental sport running is sometimes and being pushed through strength workouts to do more has helped me to see I can push through more.

Most Inspirational Runner: Sonya, a woman I coach who has Crohns is always striving to do more. She pushes through despite pain and setbacks. She has been hospitalized many times but still trains and runs when she can and has her next half in the works already.

Sum up the Year in a Few Words: Challenging, new adventures and a time for re-evaluating .

How Many Races: 20 (I think!) 

Running Ups: Meeting new running friends, traveling at the last minute to run Ragnar, setting new goals and working to be a stronger runner and better athlete.

Running Downs: The never ending injury that started my a calf strain became a stress fracture and eventually resulted in hamstring issues. I am trying to learn to be better at listening to my body and not pushing through.  

Overall 2012 was the year of learning and changing. I was getting overconfident with my abilities without changing or listening, we all need that slap in the face moment to get us back on track. 2013 will be the year.

How was your 2012 and what are you looking forward to in 2013?


  1. Cool list, Jen! So glad I could partake in one of your worst moments ;o). Merry Christmas to your fam!

    1. Just think next year can be a part of my sub 3:15 in Milwaukee :)
      Merry Christmas

  2. Thanks for linking up! I love reading these recaps. I'm impressed you had 20 races! And overall, a pretty good year for you. Some good lessons learned, and I'm so glad we connected this year. Best wishes for 2013!

    1. Thanks Laura, the key is learning from the past both ups and downs :)

  3. 20 races? Wow, i hadn't realised it was so many - great work! And a great year of self-analysis, ready for improvement next year, I hope 2013 is a fantastic one for you :)

    1. I should add not all were goal races, but a few for fun too :) I'm ready to push my 2012 running behind me and improve in 2013

  4. Wow! It's been an amazing year for you. 20 races is fantastic!! Happy 2013!!!

  5. A big year! You make Boston sound like a dream. I bet it hurt like hell anyway! This is a great way to recap the year. I love reading about your running and races, so having a whole lot in one spot is a terrific read.

    1. Boston is just amazing whether the run is good or not, the entire atmosphere is just something to soak in :)

  6. Pro Compression socks are seriously a dream to run in and lounge in post-run. LOVE them!

    Was Ragnar NW Passage your first? Would love to do Ragnar but they don't have ANY races in Texas. So sad :(

    1. NW Passage was my 2nd Ragnar, I ran Great River in 2008. Love running these, worth the travel too if you know people near a race site :)

  7. Great piece of advice from your trainer! I need to post that up for myself. Sonya sounds like a real go getter. Love that.

    Sounds like a terrific year!

    1. It is great advice and something I keep reminding myself :)


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