100% Yuck 10 Mile

Okay, not truly the race name but how I felt much of the race! The weather was bad but not as bad as predicted, rained all night and we had the fun opportunity to dodge puddles and ice until the rain returned about 5 miles into the race. Now add to that wind, belly pain and the start of a new sport of tackle running and you have my race!  

I made a stupid choice on Friday and ate a pile of cinnamon tortilla chips (good thing they are only a holiday item and no longer available). The belly pain started shortly after this and returned a few miles into the race.

The race prep was filled with multiple clothing debates and changing way too many times. It was low 30F, windy and rain on the way. Finally got dressed and headed to the race start with minutes to spare, decided to skip the port-a-potty and figured I’d be fine once I was running (stupid move!). I had high hopes until the gun went off! Less than ¼ mile in was an ankle deep puddle covering the entire road, up on the snow banks and hopes of not falling. ½ mile in I decide I need that port-a-potty before my bladder gets too upset, so time is wasted again. As we headed around Lake 1 there were areas of clear road, puddles and ice.

A few miles in I realize I over dressed and need to get rid of my inner fleece jacket. This was a process, but my timing was good. I saw Matt about 1 mile later and got rid of the jacket I had annoyingly tied on my waist. I got a boost as I heard a little voice “that’s my mommy. Go mommy.”

Now on to the Lake 2 as we run the one hill on the course. I near the water stop and briefly notice a yellow blur coming from my left as I am nearly hit and I jump to the side. Wow, that man was in a hurry to get out of the port-a-potty! When did running become a contact sport? This near collision and quick, unsteady movement on cold legs resulted in an ache in my leg that only continued to hamstring pain causing me to skip Sunday’s run L

Mie 5 and I have never been happier to be this far in a 10 Mile race. Perfect timing to see a running friend run by out on a training run and give me a short burst. That was short lived, cue belly pain. 4 miles to go and I want to curl up on the side of the road, too bad the puddles are too deep and the rain has returned.
Only here do race volunteers and police officers build snowmen in the middle of the road during a race!
Mile 7 last hill and a final lap on Lake 1. Time to dodge more ice and puddles. Seriously, where is spring? I am tempted to quit and end ½ mile in Lake 1 near the post-race stuff but convince myself to just go on and keep moving. Mile 9 and catching up with the 5K walkers and dodging the massive group taking up much of the road. And there it is, finally I see the finish. Done! Honestly no idea on time I know under 1:20 but I guess closer to 1:15 based on clock. Time to take my frozen wet feet home to warm up but coffee first!
Not the race I hoped or the resulting hamstring issue which still lingers today. I guess it was a free entry so I can’t complain too much. Next time don’t eat a pile of chips the day before and stop being a weather wimp and lose the extra jacket. I am really trying to not think of this as the race of excuses but I seem to be filled with them, don't I? After my disappointing 2012 race season I need a better year and my first thought is one of Not Again! Alright time to snap out of this and grab my foam roller for yet another running rest day and think about how I can be a stronger runner.

exceed your own expectations


  1. I'm so sorry for your bad run. Those days just suck, and this winter is not helping at all. Way to hang in there, and I hope your hamstring is feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks, this winter has been a tough one for a runner :(

  2. Pile those excuses on this sounds like a miserable race!! It is hard racing in weather conditions like that! Give yourself a pass and know that you will rock your next one!!

  3. That's awesome that you kept going and didn't quit early. Great job!! :)

    1. Thanks, I was tempted more than once to just be done.

  4. Kudos on keeping up and sticking it out. Sometimes though this crap runs make us love our good ones a WHOLE lot more :)

    1. So true! After a bad run the goods ones feel so much better :)

  5. Girl I hate you had such a bad race! And I really hate you now have a hamstring issue. :-( I know your next race will be tons better!!! It takes the bad runs to help us appreciate the good ones!

    1. Yes it does, if they were all great then we wouldn't appreciate the good ones as much :)

  6. Yucky conditions. Good for you for finishing. Upset stomach is the worst when you are running, ugh! Hope your hammie feels better:)

    1. I am in need of sun and warm, after this this winter I will not complain about the summer heat!

  7. Those races are so tough when you're ready to be done long before the race is over! Thankfully spring should be here soon... and the chip issues is easy enough to fix next time. :) Hope the hamstring is okay!

    1. Right, I know better and won't eat those chips in that quantity again!

  8. Ugh, those sound like awful conditions. Congrats on finishing though despite all that! I had a similar experience with my race this weekend, 'The Quivering Quads'. It was the muddiest and wettest race I have ever done. It was surprisingly fun, but I can barely walk I am so sore! Posted some pics on www.therunivore.com.


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