Marathon Weekly: Week 9

Week 9 means the peak weeks of training and luckily for me a happy hamstring! Unfortunately it also means I am entering the big weeks of the semester too, yuck! After another week off and lots of rolling, ice, etc I am running again and feeling great. I knew things were looking up when I managed to roll pain free and progressed to the tennis ball (or dog's Kong for lack of tennis ball one day!) for even deeper hamstring massage. 
Photo: Lose yourself in the things you love.
Is there anything better?
Spring is here but you'd never know looking outside: snow and cold continue and I am done with it. It did make not running slightly more tolerable.

Monday: Yoga DVD in morning & 1:15 on elliptical
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & 1 hour elliptical in evening
Wednesday: Speed intervals on elliptical 90 minutes, now this was boring!
Thursday: Slept in a skipped Spin, but 30 min elliptical and weights in afternoon
Friday: Morning Spin
Saturday: Easy 6.5 miles run 1:00:36 & core/weights
Sunday: 14.7 Miles 2:01:10 & 1 hour yoga, this was wonderful and the first time I have truly felt relaxed at the end of yoga.

And what's ahead for Week 10 of marathon training? More being smart and staying injury free and this. I am going to keep an extra cross training day in this week just to be safe. The forecast is for 40s by late week, finally! I need warmth, yes 40 is warm right now, and sun and nice running weather. Bring on the puddles, mud and running in shorts.

Goal: Continue to listen to my body, foam roll, ice and yoga. I hope to start some intervals later this week, maybe even on the track.

Monday: Yoga & 1 hour elliptical or pool running
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & Easy evening Run (coaching)
Wednesday: Morning Run (Speed Intervals- ladder workout)
Thursday: Morning Spin & Afternoon run/weights
Friday: Morning Spin & Yoga
Saturday: Easy run & Weights
Sunday: Long Run 18-20 Miles

How was your week? How Spring has brought better weather and great running.


  1. No Spring weather here yet. But very ready for it!!

    1. I think this is the never ending winter, pretty sad I am getting excited about 40 and it is almost April :(

  2. Great week, Jen! I'm also loving your goals for this week. I need to find that balance of cross-training and running (still).

    I am also really pumped about 40 degrees. We were "hard surface roads" only this morning for school. I'm wearing crops in protest to this never ending winter. :)


    1. I have refused to wear a jacket all weekend in protest, let's hope it works!

  3. I am so glad your hamstring was happy this weekend, yay!!

  4. Great job Jen! I'm so glad the hammy is feeling better!!!

  5. Your Sunday run was pretty quick!! You MUST be feeling better! Yeah for you!!!

  6. As I sit here snowed in I'd say no to better weather. So happy the hamstrings are feeling better. I had a great training week last week! That makes 2 (or maybe 3) great weeks! I wonder if I can keep up the streak?

    1. Ugh on the snow, this is just ridiculous! Hope the training keeps up :)

  7. Glad your hamstrings are doing better! Winter keeps lingering here too, we just got another 6 inches of snow over the weekend, I can't wait for warmer temps!!! Good luck on your continued marathon training!

    1. Yuck, what is with this winter? Hope you get warmer weather soon.

  8. Not a newbie runner and just now learning about foam crazy is that?

  9. No spring weather here. A major snow storm with a foot of snow!

    What a great week! I love morning workouts but the meds I'm on right now has me sleeping through them. I'm hoping my body adjusts to the meds so I can get back to them. I actually think the speed training on the treadmill would be pretty okay. I love doing intervals on the treadmill and I don't see them as that much different. Although I am new to all the running stuff.

    1. I love the treadmill for speed training, make it go much faster and less boring then just running.

  10. I love that quote, and I'm totally stealing it too :) Last week and this week will be tiring. I'm teaching more fitness classes than usual, but I'm not complaining about the extra calorie burn!

    1. It is such a great quote :) Have fun with the classes.

  11. New follower here! I love your 2013 goals - can't wait to see what this year brings you!

    1. Thanks, heading over to check out your blog :)

  12. Looks like a great week, go you! You inspire me to keep up with my cross training instead of JUST running, thanks :)

    1. I didn't used to be good at cross training and was always injured, it really has helped me keep up the workouts without overdoing the running.

  13. I miss spin. Right now I feel like all i do is run, run, run, but I dropped my gym membership so no spin for me. And no spring weather yet, but it is supposed to arrive this weekend.

    1. Luckily I work part-time at the gym and get my membership or I probably would have dropped mine too. Hope spring is here soon for us all!


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