Marathon Training Week 6

March is here and the craziness of Week 6 is behind me. I am almost done with 25 hours of class over 2 ½ days to review for my NP boards. I think my head is about to explode. Another not so smart thing to do after running 20 miles, sitting all day was awful hence the lunch runs to wake up.

We finally got up to the 30s and some snow melted! I found some new trails near O’s pre-school to run, had a great 20 miler with a friend and NO treadmill miles! This week was hard leg strength workouts but my runs still felt fine.

Monday: Morning Easy run 7 miles + core workout
Tuesday: Morning 7 mile hilly run with friends, weights with trainer & Evening easy 5 mile run (coaching)
Wednesday: Morning run: 11 miles 1:28:26 (hilly route) & Easy 3 mile run/walk with mom’s running group in evening
Thursday: Morning Spin & Afternoon weights
Friday: Long run 20.2 miles about 2:53 (middle 14 miles with a friend at 7:45 pace). Hammer Perpetuem got me through with no GI issues.
Saturday: Easy 5 mile recover run/walk during lunch break
Sunday: Morning weights & easy 2 mile run/walk at lunch beak
A runner's car, yes I may have even changed in my car this weekend!

And what's ahead for Week 7 of marathon training? Snow! Seriously, when is winter going to end? Still working on the fueling, but getting better.

Goal: Mentally not let the 5K beat me, I can push through the toughness! I hope no more treadmill miles needed, but 8” of snow is predicted. I am foam rolling like crazy and legs feel great, not to keep it this way. 

Monday: Hills!! Likely in the midst of a snowstorm
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & Easy evening Run (coaching)
Wednesday: Morning Run (Speed Intervals-1 mile repeats aiming for 6-6:30 min pace) & Evening ? easy run/walk with friends
Thursday: Morning Spin & Afternoon weights/possible easy run
Friday: Morning Spin
Saturday: Long run 16-18 miles (5K race in the middle)
Sunday: Recovery run & Weights

How was your week in training? Have a training post of any distance, then link up and share stories, encouragement and concerns.

Weekly Training Link Up


  1. Your schedule looks so exhausting! Wtg for keeping all of that up!

    1. As a mostly SAHM mom I find I need these workouts to keep me sane :)

  2. Way to go Jen! Enjoy your hills today, I am learning to love them:)

  3. Another great week for you Jen! I agree that your schedule looks tiring lol!

    1. I think I am so used to it that when I cutback during off season I feel weird!

  4. Great job with your marathon training! It seems exhausting but all that work will be so worth it in the end.

    1. Hoping it is, I feel so much stronger and my trainer keeps setting bigger goals for me: 3:15 here I come!

  5. I'm so impressed with all your running and workouts! I'm training for a marathon, and don't run nearly that much! Great job, Jen!!

    1. I didn't always do this, but now on marathon #21 I am working on a big PR goal :)

  6. I just absolutely love how you plan out your routines - they are awesome!

    1. It helps me stay focused with y crazy schedule!


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