Marathon Weekly: Week 7

What a week! First a snowstorm (2 feet+) with cancelled school, then rain and wind. Come on sun and warmth! Early week runs were great considering the conditions but that all changed when Saturday turned into a puddle jump/ice skating race. 

I tried a new pre-run fuel this week and not sure what to think. My trainer gave me some Generation UCan: a starch based fuel that sounds great, no GI issues, and can get someone through a marathon on nothing else. I mixed up the packet for Wednesday and tried, I really did, but could only drink maybe 1/4. It was like it said, starchy. I can only compare to what I assume drinking corn starch would be like, yuck! Anyone else try this? Tricks to get it down? My issue is I either have too much in my stomach or not enough fuel to get started. How is it after 20 marathons I still haven't figured this out?
Not too appetizing!

Monday: 9 Miles Hill intervals on the treadmill
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & Easy evening Run 5.5 miles
Wednesday: Morning Run 12.5 miles of attempted speed, but snowy roads kept it slower
Thursday: Afternoon weights/Easy 4 Mile run (slept in a skipped spin)
Friday: Morning Spin
Saturday: 10 Mile race (last minute free entry!) with 1 mile w/u & c/d in cold, wind & rain. Not as I hoped and many issues (more about this later) 

Sunday: Run fail thanks to hamstring pain, instead gave up after 2 miles and finished with 8 miles on the elliptical & Weights

And what's ahead for Week 8 of marathon training? My first 1/2 marathon of the year! 

Goal: Listen to my body. Now is the time to not be stupid. I am foam rolling like a crazy person and did yoga, taking a couple run days off until this hamstring stops. Race goals: sub 1:34, but will be happy with sub 1:38 (or that's what I tell myself)

Monday: Yoga to start the day & elliptical
Tuesday: Morning Spin, weights with trainer & Easy evening Run (coaching)
Wednesday: Morning Run (Speed Intervals- ladder workout) as long as the leg feels fine
Thursday: Morning Spin & Afternoon weights/possible easy run
Friday: Morning Spin & Yoga
Saturday: Half Marathon (+ 1-2 mile warm up)
Sunday: Recovery Run & Weights

How was your week in training? Have a training post of any distance, then link up and share stories, encouragement and concerns.

Don't forget to enter the Spring to Fitness Giveaway lots of prizes!


  1. Wow, a ten miler race on top of all those miles is impressive! Keep rolling and listening to your body... you're doing great! Oh, and that starchy stuff sounds awful... I've never tried it, but after your description, can't say I'm going go. :)

    1. Thanks Laura. I like the idea of the product but it was not worth it :(

  2. I feel like a 10 mile race would be super fun! Totally stinks about your hamstring pain though. Hopefully you will be in tip top shape for your half this upcoming week! How awesome is that?

    I can only imagine how grody that fuel was. Thick and starchy - yuck. Go you for trying it though!

    Thanks for another great link up, Jen!


    1. I love 10 Mile races, a good distance to push but still a long enough distance to be comfortable :)

  3. Stay focused on your body! You got this!!!! You are SUCH a running inspiration to me -- I need to add one more day a week to my schedule. Keep it up lady!

    1. Thanks :) Listening is something I forget too easily.

  4. You are amazing Jen!!! I hope the hamstring is ok girl! Can't wait to hear about the 10 mile race! And the drink you tried...if it doesn't taste good there's no way I can get it down. :-/

  5. I too tried a post recovery drink after my half Saturday that was not the greatest ;) Hope your hammy gets some rest and that you still feel fulfilled!! Go Jen Go!

    1. Thanks. It is tough finding good fuel that tastes good.

  6. Hi there, I have a few thoughts on the reynauds and also the Ucan, both of which i have and have dealt with. I would have loved to meet you at the race saturday, I didnt hang around too long after the finish. Drop me an email at JMWridesATgmaildotcom if you want to chat more.

    1. Thanks I will email. Yes, it was cold we left right away too.

  7. Have fun at your race on Saturday. I hope your hamstring feels better.

  8. Thanks for hosting this linkup, I had pain in my calf on Saturdays run hope you feel great this week.

    1. No problem, love seeing what everyone else is up to.

  9. I am so impressed with your training and running in the snow! "Inner fleece"??? I think I would die running in such cold, snowy weather.

    1. I wish had an option to not run in this cold, but I guess it is better then hours on the treadmill!

  10. Wow, I thought I was hearing you in my head! I have the same pain! I had torn my hamstring 5 years ago and didn't know what it was, but just kept running on it til I couldn't take it anymore. Finally stopped running for a year. Now, started again, and it feels like the same pain on my other leg. NOOOO! I rested for a week(I know that isn't enough) and am going to try again for tomorrow. Good luck with your injury.

    1. Good luck to you too, hope it is healed quickly.


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