Not so Marathon Monday- Week in Review

Well, looks like I am back at it again. I made the decision to run the Swan Lake Marathon in 3 weeks and started following a back to back marathon recovery/training plan. I guess we can call this Week 1 again since I have decided to run the marathon in June! Guess what, no snow this week! But record heat on Tuesday and then storms all weekend, ugh! I had my first (and only) visit with the sports doc, yes I thought it was good but he is not near what I got from the guy I used to see. So despite things being less than ideal (further and no child care) I am switching.
Spring is here, no more snow pictures this week, yeah!

Monday: Swim 15 minutes (sad, but that is my limit) in a very cold pool with broken heater! 45 minute easy bike
Tuesday: Strength workout with trainer and 5.5 mile easy run in 92F
Wednesday: 6.5 mile run/walk
Thursday:  1 hour bike in am and weights in afternoon
Friday: 1 hour spin
Saturday: 1 hour elliptical in morning and 3 mile run with puppy and O in BOB
Sunday: 9.5 mile easy run and weights

Post Storm running, beautiful!
Goal: Honestly nothing except get this hamstring/piriformis fixed. Continue to roll and ice like a crazy woman and swim again.
This would be Week 2 of 4 (Taper again, watch out!). Half marathon in 2 weeks and a marathon in 3 weeks J

Monday: Yoga, ? swim or bike
Tuesday: Morning spin/weights with trainer & Easy evening Run (coaching)
Wednesday: No more pre-school run time! 8 mile run with speed pick ups
Thursday: Morning Spin/Weights, Run with a friend (6 miles easy)
Friday:  Spin and Core
Saturday: 6-8 Mile run with group & weights
Sunday: 12 mile run

How was your week? Have you run back to back marathons? This will be my second time, last was 6 years ago when I ran 3 weeks apart at Fargo and San Diego and thanks to extreme humidity and hot weather I had to take it easy on the 2nd. What did you learn from back to back marathons?


  1. Not b2b marathons but a b2b ultra and half count right? What I learned was with being unsure how my body was going to handle the racing I ran the second race totally by how I felt and not by my Garmin. One of the best running decisions I ever made.

    1. I need to be better at letting go of technology at times, might have to give that a try for the marathon, if i can convince myself!

  2. You go girl! You need some recovery boots in your life!
    emma @

  3. Hi! I found your blog through fb Running bloggers' page. Wanted to stop by and say hi and look around your site. Good luck on your back to back races!!

  4. I am THRILLED to hear the excitement of this announcement! I am smiling from ear to ear for you! How fareaking exciting!! Wooo-hooo!!

    1. Thanks, I hope it all goes well and I have a happy race recap in a few weeks :)

  5. I ran Vancouver BMO on May 5th - Ran Rock 'n' Roll Portland Half on the 19th (yesterday) will fun Newport Full on June 1st, then the Helvetia half on June 8th - So slightly similar schedule! It makes figuring out what to do a little bit more confusing!

    1. Good luck to you :) Looks a lot like my schedule 1/2 May 5th, Full May 11th, 1/2 June 2nd Full June 9th.

  6. Absolutely amazing! You're going to do great. I've never done back to back anything, and I'm honestly not sure I would unless they were races I just had to do! Keep up the awesome work!

    1. I normally don't sign up for marathons this close but with a free entry I had to! My goal is to do 50 States and this is a great way to get South Dakota crossed off.

  7. For the past 2 years all I did was run back to back marathons. I prefer 2 weeks apart. I think the most was last fall when I did 3 marathons in 15 days... Anything is doable if you believe you can do it! I always say you can't do anything about the weather, illness and sometimes a tired body, but you can completely control your mind and tell yourself you can do it! I think that is the main key with back to back races and getting through them. Good luck! I look forward to seeing how it all goes for you!!!!

    1. My mind is what gets me every time! Although I think I did a little better at the last marathon so it's a start. 2 weeks apart, I am impressed :)

  8. Woohoo on another marathon girl! I can't believe you're doing another one in 3 weeks! I think you're more addicted to running than I am lol! I hope the injury heals quickly so you can kick some serious butt in 3 weeks! And yay for spring!!!

    1. Thanks, heading to a new clinic tomorrow for a fix :)

  9. I trained a client today and didn't want to do my own workout but now that I've seen your week I think I'll hop to it. :)

    1. Good for you :) I won't say that I decided to take Monday off and only walked 3 miles :)

  10. Back to back!?! WHOA. You are such an inspiration! I'm decided whether or not I should do back-to-back-to-back halfs this fall.

    Nice week Jen!


    1. Thanks :) Why not run the halfs, use one as a goal and the others for fun :)

  11. Good luck in your B2B! It is a challenge running another marathon just 3 weeks after a goal race.

    A few years ago (maybe about 10 :-), my husband and I ran seven marathons in nine months. My goal was to alternate "racing" a marathon, with running at a "training" pace. Interestingly, they were all within about 10 minutes of the same time.

    1. Wow, that is a alot, you had a great plan and ran great consistent times :)


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