
Showing posts from July, 2008

I finally did it!

So after using every excuse I could come up with to avoid getting in a lake to swim, I finally did an open water (OW) swim tonight! Much different than swimming in the pool and watching the lane lines, I was lost with the murkiness of the water. I found myself swimming quite crooked many times. On a positive note, I never touched a fish or anything else gross, although I did freak when a weed wrapped on my arm. Robin and I swam for about 30 minutes followed by a 3.5 mile easy run. Both were done on the tri course. We actually met the race director and he showed us the course and where transitions would be. I am feeling a little better after tonight, but still I need to work on my swimming...

What a great feeling!

A few weeks ago Matt finally decided to join a running club. This is the same run club I belong to, but at a different location of the gym (the one much closer to our house). I just never switched after we moved since I know everyone I run with and now that I coach I don't make too often. Last evening I was actually home and he was going to run with his group, so I thought I would come with and see this group that he described as "misfits". We ran an easy 2 miles to the gym to meet the group. The first thing I hear is "so you're quite the runner" huh? I never thought of myself more then an average runner, I have only ran for 6 years I'm not that accomplished, I just like it. We take off to run, the plan is 5 miles, I tell Matt I'll meet him back at the gym for our run home. It was an out and back, so the 1st and last mile are very hilly, but I took off at a comfortable pace and was running 7:45s. At the turnaround, I hear someone coming up behind me ...

Stupid People

I just need to vent, I think this has been the week they let the idiots out on the trails and the roads. I always encounter stupid people with the amount of time I spend out biking and running, but this past week has been extreme... -A woman walking her small, yippy dog on an exti-leash while reading a book. Yes she had her face buried in the book and was paying no attention to the dog. -A woman rollerblading while pushing a small baby in a regular stroller, not a baby jogger. That is an injury waiting to happen. -4 teenage girls hanging out with their bikes blocking the entire path having a conversation. -Multiple people riding bikes on the wrong side of the path, 2 women in particular riding side by side so slow they were swerving. They made no attempt to move out of my way as I rode towards them and told me I was rude for commenting they needed to share the path. -Stupid drivers not stopping for runners in crosswalks. 4 cars actually sped past me as I tried to cross right in front o...

Finally a long run

I've been keeping my running miles low since Grandma's 4 weeks ago and since I am still limited to 20 mpw a long run is a little tough. This morning was perfect for a run. My teams are getting into the tough training of double digit runs and it is great to see the improvement they have made in the past 2 months. Today they ran anywhere from 8 to 16 miles depending on what they were training for. I ran 13 pain free miles and had some great conversations with my runners. It was great, we ran the portion of TCM that goes along the river (miles 14-21), one of the toughest sections of the course, at least I think it is (all my bad memories start during this time). Today it didn't seem as bad as I remember it to be, likely due to fresh legs and a shorter run :) 2 weeks until my next race (Urban Wildland Half) my 1st half since April 2007 and I'm hoping to PR. I love the half distance and can't wait to actually race it again.

The LTF Tri Team Photos

Here are pics of the 3 of us who did Life Time Tri last weekend... Cheri coming out of the water after the swim Vic on the bike. Me crossing the finish line.


I started for my 2nd round of physical therapy on my ankle yesterday this time with a much better person who actually understands my injury. Earlier in the day, I was in clinic with John and we were discussing some new research about lower extremity injuries in endurance athletes being caused by hip instability, sure enough I get to PT that afternoon and find out that my hip is part of the problem. Along with the crappy custom orthotics I had made and the past PT who was having me stretch and already over stretched tendon. I am now working on strengthening both my ankle and hips and increasing my balance. I am still on a running restriction and can't do any other strengthening or weights until the PT okay's it. Someday this will all be over and I will be a stronger and more appreciative runner.

Life Time Tri

I did the running part for an Olympic distance (1.5K swim/40K bike/10K run) tri relay yesterday morning. One of the runners on my team was registered, but has been injured and couldn't bike or run so we got her reigisration changed to a relay team this past week, she swam, another TNT guy biked, and I ran. This tri is huge, over 3000 athletes in both Olympic and sprint courses, I've watched it twice, but never participate and thought this would be a great way to be on the inside and maybe learn a few tips for my tri next month. I was so impressed watching the pros, the men left the water in 18 minutes and still looked unbelieveable later when we saw them starting the run. When we were standing on the beach before the swimmers started, I realized that the guy who was on the Bachelor a couple seasons ago was standing right next to me, I kept trying to figure out why I knew him. Waited around and got to watch as my team swam and biked, then it was my turn to run the 10K, a 2 loop ...

Becoming a triathlete

Yesterday I did my first "real" tri workout, yeah I have been swimming and biking with my usual running but nothing like this. Since I am restricted on my weekly mileage, I am increasing the biking and swimming, trying to do more than I need for the tri. Yesterday I did my first real brick workout: bike 22.25 miles in 1:25 (15.6 mph) slower than usual, but the trails were packed with so many leisurely bikers and rollerbladers, followed by 2.15 miles of running in 17:25 (8:07 pace). It took my legs about 1/2 mile to loosen up and increase the speed, but after that I didn't feel too bad. Looking at this, I think I would do better at a longer distance to give my legs that warm up time on the run, now just to get better at swimming.

Restrictions and a plan...

Since my few short runs after Grandma's the pain has returned to my right ankle so I decided that it made sense to get in to see a sports doc sooner than later this time. I had a great swim this morning, 35 minutes total with 14 minutes of continuous swimming, followed by 2.5 miles of running. That was not the best idea since I was in pain by the end. My tendon has been reaggravated and I am now restricted to 20 miles a week of running, I guess I'll have to focus on the biking an swimming. I am also going to make some shoe and orthotic changes to see if that helps since the doc thinks they aren't exactly right for me. He is also sending me to PT, he tried to get me into see the best PT for runners in the Midwest, but she is booked until late August so I'm settling for his second choice who I can see in two weeks. He thinks I need ankle strengthening and a gait analysis. After some PT I'll go back in 3-6 weeks and depending on my progress, the next step is a cortison...