Inspiration to run

This past weekend I spent 2 days sitting through a RRCA coaching certification course and thought back to all those I've had the opportunity to coach in the past. All those who have inspired me and achieved goals they often thought far beyond their reach. For me it is these "real" people who inspire me through the tough runs, days when I think of quitting and struggle with my own running. Yes, I am inspired by those with the high level of running ability who are able to achieve things beyond my grasp too as I push to reach higher goals for myself but this is on a different level.

I've had the privilege of training Sonya (and many others with similar stories) to reach their goals. Take a minute and listen to her story, see her strength and let her inspire you to reach for more and push through the tough days. Listen to her story, that is not often shared and see her dedication and strength. It makes me think about my tough days.

Think about it, who inspires you to reach further and push through?

And now for a shameless plug, but I have been nominated for the Top 25 Health/Wellness Mom blogs! Take a minute and vote, please (you can vote daily).


  1. Wow, Sonya is so strong and inspirational. Her story brought me to tears. Makes me realize how small my problems really are. Thank you for sharing:)

    1. I truly does make you re-evaluate your situation when you see someone pushing through much more :)

  2. Voted for you today! GOOD LUCK :) I am going for TOP 25 Mom Food Allergy Blogs!

    1. Thanks Cindy, voted for you too :) (and will do it again tomorrow)


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