5 Things Friday

5 Things on my mind after an interesting Christmas. Like I mentioned yesterday we hosted Christmas Eve and planned to spend Christmas day relaxing well by noon I wasn’t moving from the couch thanks to some nasty stomach bug, my parents were heading over for dinner but that was quickly cancelled.

1. I love being a mom on Christmas! I don’t know how many times I heard “this is the best Christmas ever!” Seeing her eyes light up with joy was all I needed. When she wasn’t playing with presents (or eating cookies), O was dancing to the Nutcracker and trying to teach her cousins all about it. I’m so glad I could share this with her and can’t wait until next year.

2. Cooking healthy on a holiday that revolves around desserts is actually not too tough. I still enjoy my desserts but after cutting out refined sugar a few years ago to let my gut heal I don’t miss it and fell awful after eating something high in sugar. Combine this with needing gluten free and dairy free and baking can be tough. My kitchen is often one big experiment, some successful and other not so much. Christmas resulted in a few successes: key lime pie (recipe next week), egg nog cookies, date/nutfilled cookies (not very pretty), molasses and almond crescents.

3. We are all on the way to being healthy! My dad spent Christmas Eve night in the hospital with epiglottitis (yes, the thing that kids get!) but after steroids and antibiotics he was released late on Christmas so O got to open presents with grandpa too. I ate breakfast this morning and think this stomach thing was just a 24 hour bug, fingers crossed I’m getting back to normal after 10 hours of sleep.

4. Keeping secrets is tough when kids are involved! Last week a package arrived and when I picked it up to see who it was for O informed me it was my Christmas present, “but it’s not a running watch!” When I finally opened it yesterday I was not surprised to find a new Garmin! Thanks for keeping it secret!

5. I don’t see the big thing about having snow on Christmas. I was thrilled when it had been too warm for snow earlier this week and it all melted, I honestly don’t get why some people were so upset. We did get just a dusting of snow yesterday so I guess everyone can be happy now. But really does it make a difference in the overall holiday?

Happy Fitness Friday, hope you all had a great holiday. What 5 things are on your mind today?  


  1. Looks like you had a good Christmas. Hope everyone is feeling better.

  2. That is no fun when you are sick on Christmas! Sounds like you had a great time otherwise! I hope everyone is well!


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